ContextNode.CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode 方法

创建一个只包含以下信息的子 ContextNode 对象:TypeIdLocation

命名空间:  System.Windows.Ink
程序集:  IAWinFX(在 IAWinFX.dll 中)


Public Function CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode ( _
    type As Guid, _
    nodeId As Guid, _
    nodeLocation As AnalysisRegion _
) As ContextNode
Dim instance As ContextNode
Dim type As Guid
Dim nodeId As Guid
Dim nodeLocation As AnalysisRegion
Dim returnValue As ContextNode

returnValue = instance.CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode(type, _
    nodeId, nodeLocation)
public ContextNode CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode(
    Guid type,
    Guid nodeId,
    AnalysisRegion nodeLocation
ContextNode^ CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode(
    Guid type, 
    Guid nodeId, 
    AnalysisRegion^ nodeLocation
public ContextNode CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode(
    Guid type,
    Guid nodeId,
    AnalysisRegion nodeLocation
public function CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode(
    type : Guid, 
    nodeId : Guid, 
    nodeLocation : AnalysisRegion
) : ContextNode



一个只包含有关 TypeIdLocation 的信息的新 ContextNode 对象。此新节点是 ContextNode 的子级。


此方法用于数据代理,作为在有关某 ContextNode 对象的所有信息可用之前在上下文节点树中创建该对象的一种途径。可在以后添加有关该对象的其他信息。


下面的示例是一个名为 CreatePartiallyPopulatedNode 的方法,该方法将 [System.Windows.Controls.TreeView] 作为一个文档模型来演示如何使用数据代理存储和加载 InkAnalyzer 的上下文节点树。通过将每个 TreeViewItem 对象的 [System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Tag] 属性都设置为一个 DocumentNodeData 对象,DocumentNodeData 类将 ContextNode 数据存储在该文档模型中。CreatePartiallyPopulatedNode 方法使用 TreeViewItem 对象和 InkAnalyzer 对象,在 InkAnalyzer 上下文节点树中创建与文档模型中的 TreeViewItem 相对应的部分填充的节点。在此示例中,所有节点都是以部分填充的方式创建的。然后,这些节点被放入节点队列,供以后用节点数据完全填充。

该方法从传入的 TreeViewItem 对象的 [System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Tag] 属性中获取节点数据。然后,使用 Id 验证节点当前是否不在上下文节点树中:使用树视图父节点在 InkAnalyzer 中查找相应的父节点。如果父节点尚未存在于上下文节点树中,则使用递归添加该父节点。如果父节点存在于树中,则应是部分填充的;如果父节点已完全填充,则该节点应当已经包含其所有子节点,因而无需添加新的子节点。因此,PartiallyPopulated 属性验证父节点是否为部分填充的;如果是部分填充的,则将该节点添加到队列中,供以后完全填充。如果该节点不是部分填充的,则引发异常。最后,对父节点调用 [M:System.Windows.Ink.ContextNode.CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode (System.Windows.Ink.ContextNodeType,System.Guid,System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisRegion)],并将新创建的节点添加到节点队列中以供完全填充。返回新的 ContextNode 对象。有关数据代理的更多信息,请参见Data Proxy with Ink Analysis

Private Function CreatePartiallyPopulatedNode(ByVal documentNode As TreeViewItem, ByVal theInkAnalyzer As InkAnalyzer) As ContextNode

    Dim nodeData As DocumentNodeData = documentNode.Tag '

    ' Check that the node does not already exist in the InkAnalyzer.
    If Nothing <> theInkAnalyzer.FindNode(nodeData.Id) Then
        Throw New ApplicationException("The node already exists in the InkAnalyzer.")
    End If

    ' Find the parent analyzer node.
    Dim parentNode As TreeViewItem = documentNode.Parent '

    If parentNode Is Nothing Then
        Throw New Exception("parentNode is not a TreeViewItem")
    End If

    Dim parentNodeData As DocumentNodeData = parentNode.Tag
    Dim analyzerParentNode As ContextNode = theInkAnalyzer.FindNode(parentNodeData.Id)

    If Nothing = analyzerParentNode Then
        ' The parent analyzer node does not exist yet. Create one.
        analyzerParentNode = Me.CreatePartiallyPopulatedNode(parentNode, theInkAnalyzer)
    ElseIf analyzerParentNode.PartiallyPopulated Then
        ' The parent analyzer node exists and is partially populated. Add it
        ' to the stack of nodes to fully populate.
        ' The parent analyzer node exists and is fully populated. This
        ' should not happen.
        Throw New ApplicationException("The parent analyzer node is fully populated.")
    End If

    ' Create the partially populated node under its parent analyzer node.
    Dim analyzerNode As ContextNode = analyzerParentNode.CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode(nodeData.Type, nodeData.Id, nodeData.Location)

    ' Add the new node to the stack of nodes to fully populate.

    Return analyzerNode

End Function 'CreatePartiallyPopulatedNode
        private ContextNode CreatePartiallyPopulatedNode(
            TreeViewItem documentNode, InkAnalyzer theInkAnalyzer)
            DocumentNodeData nodeData = documentNode.Tag as DocumentNodeData;

            // Check that the node does not already exist in the InkAnalyzer.
            if (null != theInkAnalyzer.FindNode(nodeData.Id))
                throw new ApplicationException(
                    "The node already exists in the InkAnalyzer.");

            // Find the parent analyzer node.
            TreeViewItem parentNode = documentNode.Parent as TreeViewItem;

            if (parentNode == null)
                throw new Exception("parentNode is not a TreeViewItem");

            DocumentNodeData parentNodeData =
                parentNode.Tag as DocumentNodeData;
            ContextNode analyzerParentNode =
            if (null == analyzerParentNode)
                // The parent analyzer node does not exist yet. Create one.
                analyzerParentNode =
                        parentNode, theInkAnalyzer);
            else if (analyzerParentNode.PartiallyPopulated)
                // The parent analyzer node exists and is partially populated. Add it
                // to the stack of nodes to fully populate.
                // The parent analyzer node exists and is fully populated. This
                // should not happen.
                throw new ApplicationException(
                    "The parent analyzer node is fully populated.");

            // Create the partially populated node under its parent analyzer node.
            ContextNode analyzerNode =
                    nodeData.Type, nodeData.Id, nodeData.Location);

            // Add the new node to the stack of nodes to fully populate.

            return analyzerNode;


Windows Vista

.NET Framework 和 .NET Compact Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关支持的版本的列表,请参见.NET Framework 系统要求


.NET Framework




ContextNode 类

ContextNode 成员

System.Windows.Ink 命名空间
