
本主题中的准则帮助您为成员参数选择正确的类型和名称。 此外,下列主题还提供了参数设计准则。


下面的代码示例阐释了这一准则。 BookInfo 类从 Publication 类继承。 Manager类实现的两种方法: BadGetAuthorBiography和GoodGetAuthorBiography. BadGetAuthorBiography使用引用BookInfo对象,即使它使用中声明的成员Publication。 GoodGetAuthorBiography 方法演示了正确的设计。

' A Class with some basic information.
Public Class Publication
    Dim Protected authorValue as String
    Dim Protected publicationDateValue as DateTime

    Public Sub new(author as String, publishDate as DateTime)
        Me.authorValue = author
        Me.PublicationDateValue = publishDate
    End Sub

    Public Readonly Property  PublicationDate as DateTime 
            Return publicationDateValue
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Readonly Property Author as String
            Return authorValue
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

' A Class that derives from Publication
Public Class BookInfo 
    Inherits Publication

    Dim isbnValue as String

    Public Sub new(author as string, _
        publishDate as DateTime, _
        isbn as String) 
        MyBase.New(author, publishDate)
        Me.isbnValue = isbn
    End Sub

    Public Readonly Property Isbn as String
            Return isbnValue
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

Public Class Manager
    ' This method does not use the Isbn member
    ' so it doesn't need a specialized reference to Books
    Shared Function BadGetAuthorBiography(book as BookInfo) as String
        Dim biography as String = ""
        Dim author as String = book.Author
        ' Do work here.
        Return biography
    End Function

    ' This method shows the correct design.
    Shared Function GoodGetAuthorBiography(item as Publication) as String
        Dim biography as String = ""
        Dim author as String = item.Author
        ' Do work here.
        Return biography
    End Function
// A class with some basic information.
public class Publication
    string author;
    DateTime publicationDate;

    public Publication(string author, DateTime publishDate)
        this.author = author;
        this.publicationDate = publishDate;
    public DateTime PublicationDate
        get {return publicationDate;}
    public string Author
        get {return author;}

// A class that derives from Publication
public class BookInfo :Publication
    string isbn;
    public BookInfo(string author, DateTime publishDate, string isbn) :
            base(author, publishDate)
        this.isbn = isbn;
    public string Isbn
        get {return isbn;}

public class Manager
    // This method does not use the Isbn member
    // so it doesn't need a specialized reference to Books
    static string BadGetAuthorBiography(BookInfo book)
        string biography = "";
        string author = book.Author;
        // Do work here.
        return biography;

    // This method shows the correct design.
    static string GoodGetAuthorBiography(Publication item)
        string biography = "";
        string author = item.Author;
        // Do work here.
        return biography;
// A class with some basic information.
public ref class Publication
    String^ author;
    DateTime publicationDate;

    Publication(String^ author, DateTime publishDate)
        this->author = author;
        this->publicationDate = publishDate;

    property DateTime PublicationDate
        DateTime get() {return publicationDate;}

    property String^ Author
        String^ get() {return author;}

// A class that derives from Publication
public ref class BookInfo : public Publication
    String^ isbn;

    BookInfo(String^ author, DateTime publishDate, String^ isbn) :
            Publication(author, publishDate)
        this->isbn = isbn;

    property String^ Isbn
        String^ get() {return isbn;}

private enum class ErrorOptions {ThrowOnError};

private enum class CasingOptions {CaseInsensitive};

private ref class BetterType
    static void GetType(String^ name,
    ErrorOptions throwOption,
    CasingOptions caseOption)

public ref class Manager
    // This method does not use the Isbn member
    // so it doesn't need a specialized reference to Books
    static String^ BadGetAuthorBiography(BookInfo^ book)
        String^ biography = "";
        String^ author = book->Author;
        // Do work here.
        return biography;

    // This method shows the correct design.
    static String^ GoodGetAuthorBiography(Publication^ item)
        String^ biography = "";
        String^ author = item->Author;
        // Do work here.
        return biography;




    Public Sub BadStoreTimeDifference (localDate as DateTime, _
        toWhere as TimeZone, _
        reserved as Object)
        ' Do work here.
    End Sub

Public Sub GoodCStoreTimeDifference (localDate as DateTime, _
    toWhere as TimeZone)
    ' Do work here.
End Sub

Public Sub GoodCStoreTimeDifference (localDate as DateTime, _
    toWhere as TimeZone, _
    useDayLightSavingsTime as Boolean)
    ' Do work here.
End Sub
    public void BadStoreTimeDifference (DateTime localDate, 
        TimeZone toWhere, 
        Object reserved)
        // Do work here.

public void GoodCStoreTimeDifference (DateTime localDate, 
    TimeZone toWhere)
    // Do work here.
public void GoodCStoreTimeDifference (DateTime localDate, 
    TimeZone toWhere, 
    bool useDayLightSavingsTime)
    // Do work here.
void BadStoreTimeDifference(DateTime localDate,
    TimeZone^ toWhere,
    Object^ reserved)
    // Do work here.

void GoodCStoreTimeDifference(DateTime localDate,
    TimeZone^ toWhere)
    // Do work here.

void GoodCStoreTimeDifference(DateTime localDate,
    TimeZone^ toWhere,
    bool useDayLightSavingsTime)
    // Do work here.






重写应使用相同的参数名。 重载应使用与声明成员相同的参数名。 接口实现应使用接口成员签名中定义的相同名称。

部分版权所有 2005 Microsoft Corporation。 保留所有权利。

部分版权所有 Addison-Wesley Corporation。 保留所有权利。

设计指引的详细信息,请参阅"框架设计准则: 公约、 成语和可重复使用的模式。网络图书馆"书 Krzysztof Cwalina 和布拉德 · 艾布拉姆斯,2005年艾迪生 - 韦斯利,发表。



