Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client 命名空间

应用到: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online

AuthenticationCredentials Represents client-side user logon credentials.
AuthenticationHelpers 仅供内部使用。
CancelEventArgs Contains arguments for a cancel event.
ChannelEventArgs Contains arguments for a WCF channel event.
ChannelFaultedEventArgs Contains arguments for a faulted WCF channel event.
ClaimsPolicyConfiguration Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service for use with claims authentication.
CrossRealmIssuerEndpointCollection Contains a collection of IssuerEndpointDictionary objects.
DiscoveryServiceProxy Implements IDiscoveryService and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the discovery service endpoint.
EndpointSwitchEventArgs Identifies the new and previous service endpoint URL’s for an organization.
EntityLogicalNameAttribute Identifies the logical name of an entity.
IdentityProvider Represents an identity provider.
IdentityProviderDictionary A collection of identity providers.
IdentityProviderTrustConfiguration Contains the configuration information required to use an identity provider.
IdentityProviderTypeDictionary Contains the available identity providers for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM service.
IssuerEndpoint Represents an issuer endpoint.
IssuerEndpointDictionary Contains a dictionary of IssuerEndpoint objects.
LiveIdentityProviderTrustConfiguration Contains identity provider configuration information specific to Microsoft 帐户.
LiveIdPolicyConfiguration Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service for use with Microsoft 帐户 authentication.
LocalIdentityProvider Represents an Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) based identity provider.
OnlineFederationPolicyConfiguration Contains Microsoft Online Services specific information for connecting to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM ​​Online server.
OnlineIdentityProvider Represents a Microsoft Online Services based identity provider.
OnlinePolicyConfiguration Contains general information used when connecting to Microsoft Dynamics CRM ​​Online.
OrganizationServiceContext Represents the runtime context of the data service that is used to track Microsoft Dynamics CRM entities and that sends and receives entities from the server.
OrganizationServiceProxy Implements IOrganizationService and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the organization service.
OrgIdentityProviderTrustConfiguration Contains identity provider configuration information specific to Microsoft Online Services ID.
PolicyConfiguration Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS).
ProxyTypesAssemblyAttribute Indicates that the assembly contains early-bound types generated by the CrmSvcUtil utility.
ProxyTypesBehavior Enables early-bound entity types on a service proxy.
RealmInfo 仅供内部使用。
RequestProxyAttribute Indicates the name of the message request, represented by the SdkMessageRequest entity, to which the request corresponds.
ResponseProxyAttribute Indicates the name of the message response, represented by the SdkMessageResponse entity, to which the response corresponds.
SecurityTokenResponse Contains a security token response.
ServiceChannel Represents a communication channel to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM service.
ServiceConfigurationFactory Represents a client factory for creating service configurations.
ServiceEndpointDictionary Contains a dictionary of ServiceEndpoint objects.
ServiceEndpointMetadata Container class for metadata information about a service.
ServiceProxy Provides an abstract base class to encapsulate service connection operations and user authentication management.
ServiceUrls Contains the primary and alternate endpoints of an organization.
WindowsPolicyConfiguration Contains a policy configuration that identifies an Active Directory provider.
XrmBinding 仅供内部使用。


接口 描述
IEndpointSwitch Represents the switching of a web service endpoint for an organization from a primary URL to an alternate URL.
IServiceConfiguration Represents a configured Microsoft Dynamics CRM service.
IServiceManagement An interface which provides a simpler authentication experience.


枚举 描述
AuthenticationProviderType Identifies the type of identity provider used for authentication.
ClientAuthenticationType Specifies the type of authentication used by a client application.
IdentityProviderType Specifies the supported types of identity providers.
MergeOption Describes the synchronization option for sending or receiving entity data to or from a data service using the OrganizationServiceContext.
SaveChangesOptions Describes how the SaveChanges method behaves when an error occurs while updating data in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
TokenServiceCredentialType Defines the kinds of credentials accepted by a security token service.

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