How to: Set Up OCR Payments

You can process electronic payments from customers according to a predefined payment ID. This is often referred to as an optical character recognition (OCR) payment. The payment ID is used with electronic payment transactions. Customers can refer to this ID when they make payments. The payment ID is also used to identify imported payment transactions and automatically apply imported payment data.

To set up OCR payments

  1. In the Search box, enter OCR Setup, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description


    Select an OCR payment file format. Formats include BBS and Data Dialog.


    Enter the full path of the OCR payment file.

    Delete Return File

    Select to rename the file after import and prevent the file from being imported more than one time.

  3. On the Gen. Ledger FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Bal. Account Type

    Select a balance account type. Balance account types include Gen. Ledg. Account and Bank Account.

    Bal. Account No.

    Select a balance account number.

    Max. Divergence

    Enter a maximum divergence value. If the divergence on a payment is less than or equal to the value entered, the divergence amount is automatically posted. Otherwise, the divergence is not automatically posted. In both situations, a warning is displayed in the cash receipt journal when importing OCR Giro payments.

    Divergence Account No.

    Enter the divergence account number that will receive posting.

    Journal Template Name

    Select the name of the journal template that should receive the imported OCR Giro payments.

    Journal Name

    Select the name of the journal that should receive the imported OCR Giro payments.

    If the Journal Template Name and Journal Name fields are blank, you can import OCR Giro payments in any journal. Otherwise, you must import OCR Giro payments in the journal that is specified.

  4. Choose the OK button.


OCR payments can only be posted to cash receipt journals when the Force Doc. Balance field has been cleared in the Gen. Journal Template table. For more information, see Gen. Journal Template.

See Also


How to: Set Up KID Numbers on Sales Documents
How to: Import and Post OCR Payments
How to: Print the OCR Journal - Test Report


OCR Setup
OCR Setup


Electronic Banking in Norway

Other Resources

Gen. Journal Template