Apply Inv. Round. Amt. To VAT Field, Sales & Receivables Setup Table

A checkmark in this field causes rounding differences occurring in sales lines to be added to the VAT amount.


The rounding rules are set up as follows:

Field Value Value

Line Amt. Round LCY

Customer & Sales Setup


Inv. Rounding Precision (LCY)

G/L Setup


A sales lines contains a position with CHF 20.11. Since the invoice rounding precision is set to 0.05, a difference of 0.01 occurs. With these centimes you can now proceed as follows:

  • Account for rounding in the invoice with text "sales rounding difference". The rounding difference will be posted to the invoice rounding account of the customer posting group. For this, the checkmark must be removed.

  • If you want to avoid this extra line, place a checkmark in the current field so that the rounding difference is combined with VAT.


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Parent Tables

Table Location
Sales & Receivables Setup Table Sales and Receivables
Sales & Receivables Setup Table Sales and Receivables