Microsoft.Uii.Csr Namespace


Class Description
Action Represents the actions for hosted applications (utility class for implementation of the interface).
ActionEventArgs Represents the event arguments for action completion event
AifDeckControl Represents a control that shows hosted applications layered as in a deck.
AifShellBase Represents an application that uses a Windows Forms form as its shell.

AifTabControl Represents a control that shows hosted application in a tab form.

AifWpfDeckControl Represents a WPF control that shows hosted applications layered as in a deck.
AifWpfShellBase Supports an application that uses a WPF window as its shell.
AifWpfTabControl Represents a control that shows WPF hosted application in a tab form.
ApplicationAdapter Represents the abstract class used to create application adapters.
ApplicationHost Hosts the applications, regardless of type, held by a session.
ApplicationHostWorkItem Represents the ApplicationHost workitem which is linked to a session.
AuditLog Provides services for logging the audit related messages. It caches the messages before updating the DB. It uses asynchronous calls to web services.
Context Represents the context class used to track contextual information, wrapped in an object.
ContextEventArgs Represents the event arguments for add context event.
ContextState Represents contextual information.
ExternalApplication Contains information that is used to integrate an external application with UII.
ExternalControl Wraps external applications in a .Net control so the UII application host can treat them as normal UII hosted applications.
HostedAppDomainData Data class used for passing the data to the Application Domain Thread procedure.
HostedAppFactory This class hold methods to create hosted applications on various levels of isolation.
HostedAppLauncher Summary description for HostedAppLauncher.
HostedApplication Hosted Application abstract base classed, used for hosted application classes like External and Web
HostedApplicationAdapter Abstract class used by User Interface Integration (UII) developers to create custom adapters for external applications.
HostedControl This control makes it easier to create WinForm applications by wrapping the most common operations into a base class.
HostedControlEx This makes it easier to create WinForm applications by wrapping the most common operations into a base class. It would be better to make this an abstract class and have the DoAction( Action ) method also be abstract. However doing so causes the VS 2003 UI designer to not allow drag-n-drop layout which most people will want. Thus, the obvious abstract-ness of this class is not being coded. Obsolete.
HostedWebApplication Classes to handle web applications (HTML, ASP, etc) within UII.
WebAction Actions for hosted web applications.
HostingForm This WinForm hosts the Windows Control of hosted application of type Hosted Windows Control and axWebBrowser of Hosted Web Application.
Initialization The Initialization class used to track hosted application initialization information, wrapped in an object.
LoginFieldNotFoundException This is the Exception class thrown when a particular login field could not be located.
RequestActionEventArgs Event argument for request action event
Session This represents a single customer session within UII An enumeration over a session give a set of IHostedApplications.
SessionControllerEventArgs Represents the session controller event arguments class.
SessionOpenControllerEventArgs Represents the event arguments for the SessionOpen event.
Sessions Represents an abstract class used to create and handle the individual session classes.
WebApplicationAdapter Represents an abstract class used by UII developers to create web based adapters.


Interface Description
IHostedApplication Interface from which hosted applications are derived.
IHostedApplication2 An extension of IHostedApplication.
IHostedApplication3 An extension on IHostedApplication2.
IHostedApplication4 An extension on IHostedApplication3 for the later UII applications to support new features.
IHostedApplication5 An extension on IHostedApplication4 so that UII WPF applications can support new features.
IHostedApplicationEx IHostedApplicationEx extends the IHostedApplication3 so that older apps are unaffected but newer apps can integrate more effectively with UII. Obsolete.
IHostedApplicationMultichannel Interface for the hostedapplications operations
IHostedAppUICommand Interface for Isolated and extended applications.
IScriptableHostedApp Host application that has scripting support
ISessionController The session controlling interface for global hosted applications that want to control over the sessions.


Structure Description


Delegate Description
ActionCompletedEventHandler Represents the event handler to notify the application host that an action has completed.
AdapterContextChanged Represents the abstract class used by UII as the generalized base class for other adapters.
AdapterFireRequestAction Represents a request to fire an action. Not used by all adapters.
AdapterProcessChanged Represents the abstract class that is used by UII developers to create external adapters.
AdapterRequestAction Represents a request to fire an action. Not used by all adapters. Obsolete.
CloseAppClickHandler Fired to notify the UI when the user clicks a tab to close the application.
CloseAppClickHandler Notifies the UI when the user clicks the tab to close the application.
CurrentContextChangeEventHandler Notifies that the context has been changed by some application.
IsolatedFormSelectedEventHandler Notifies the others that an isolated application is brought to focus.
RequestActionStatusHandler Event handler for the status of the request action specifically used for Winform application
RequestApplicationAdditionFromAutomationHandler Event handler for requesting a new application to be added to the application host.
RequestApplicationCloseFromAutomationHandler Event handler for requesting a new application to be created and hosted within UII.
RequestApplicationCloseHandler Event handler to notify others that an application is being closed.
RequestApplicationCreationFromAutomationHandler Event handler for requesting a new application to be created and hosted within UII.
RequestApplicationCreationHandler Event handler requesting a new application to be created and hosted within UII.
RequestBeforeApplicationCreationHandler Event handler for requesting a new application to be created and hosted within UII.
RequestFocusEventHandler Event handler to handle requests to drive focus to a specific application.
ChangeContextEventHandler Event handler use in event to add a name-value pair to the context.
FormSelectedEventHandler This delegate handles the Selected form event handler
RequestActionEventHandler Delegate event handler use in event to request an action of another application to be invoked
SessionCloseHandler Close session event delegate.
SessionControllerEventHandler Session controller Event delegate
SessionHideHandler Hide session event delegate.
SessionOpenControllerEventHandler Open Session controller Event delegate
SessionShowHandler Show session event delegate.


Enumeration Description
AifInterfaces Represents the various interfaces that are implemented by hosted applications.
ApplicationProperties Represents the enumeration for application properties.
ApplicationType Represents the set of application types that are read from the web service.
CustomerAuthentication Represents customer authentication information.
EngineType Engine Type
ActionType Moved enum into ActionType to encapsulate more effectively for code outside this module such as the adapters.
HttpVerb Moved enum into ActionType to encapsulate more effectively for code outside this module such as the adapters.

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