GetPropertyMetrics Method

GetPropertyMetrics Method

Returns the metrics data for a specified property.



HRESULT GetPropertyMetrics (
    [in] BSTR property,
    [out] long min,
    [out] long max,
    [out] TabletPropertyMetricUnit *units,
    [out] float *resolution

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Public Sub GetPropertyMetrics( _
    property As String, _
    min As Long, _
    max As Long, _
    units As TabletPropertyMetricUnit, _
    resolution As Single _



[in] The property for which you want to determine metrics.

For more information about the BSTR data type, see Using the Automation Library.


[out] The minimum value, in logical units, that the tablet reports for this property. For example, a tablet reporting x-values from 0 to 9000 has a logical minimum of 0.


[out] The maximum value, in logical units, that the tablet reports for this property. For example, a tablet reporting x-values from 0 to 9000 would have a logical maximum of 9000.


[out] The physical units of the property, such as inches or degrees. For a list of property units, see the TabletPropertyMetricUnit enumeration type.


[out] Specifies the resolution or increment value for the units member. For example, a tablet that reports 400 dots per inch (dpi) has a resolution value of 400.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success.
TPC_E_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY The tablet does not support the specified property.
E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred.
E_POINTER A parameter contained an invalid pointer.
E_INVALIDARG Unknown property string.
E_INK_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while processing.


The properties for which you retrieve metrics may include the time that a packet was generated or the downward pressure of the pen tip on the tablet surface.

For a complete list of properties for which you can retrieve metrics, see the PacketProperty constants.


[Visual Basic 6.0]

This Visual Basic 6.0 example reports on the properties in each tablet that are available in the InkTablets collection.

Dim theInkCollector As InkCollector

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Text1.Text = ReportOnEachTablet()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set theInkCollector = New InkCollector
    theInkCollector.hWnd = Me.hWnd
    theInkCollector.Enabled = True
End Sub

Public Function ReportOnEachTablet() As String
    Dim theTablets As InkTablets
    Set theTablets = New InkTablets
    Dim theReport As String
    theReport = vbCrLf
    'Iterate over the tablets in the collection,
    'reporting on each one.
    Dim theTablet As IInkTablet
    For Each theTablet In theTablets
        theReport = theReport & "Tablet Name: " & & vbCrLf
        If = Then
            theReport = theReport & "(Default)" & vbCrLf
        End If
        theReport = theReport & "PlugAndPlayId: " & _
            theTablet.PlugAndPlayId & vbCrLf
        theReport = theReport & "HardwareCapabilities: " & _
            theTablet.HardwareCapabilities & vbCrLf
        If (theTablet.HardwareCapabilities And _
            THWC_CursorMustTouch) <> 0 Then
            theReport = theReport & "    CursorMustTouch" & vbCrLf
        End If
        If (theTablet.HardwareCapabilities And _
            THWC_CursorsHavePhysicalIds) <> 0 Then
            theReport = theReport & "    CursorsHavePhysicalIds" & vbCrLf
        End If
        If (theTablet.HardwareCapabilities And _
            THWC_HardProximity) <> 0 Then
            theReport = theReport & "    HardProximity" & vbCrLf
        End If
        If (theTablet.HardwareCapabilities And _
            THWC_Integrated) <> 0 Then
            theReport = theReport & "    Integrated" & vbCrLf
        End If
        On Error Resume Next
        theReport = theReport & "MaximumInputRectangle " & _
            theTablet.MaximumInputRectangle & vbCrLf

        'Report on each supported Packet Property.
        theReport = theReport & "IsPacketPropertySupported:" & vbCrLf
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            AltitudeOrientation, _
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            AzimuthOrientation, _
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            ButtonPressure, "ButtonPressure")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            NormalPressure, "NormalPressure")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            PacketStatus, "PacketStatus")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            PitchRotation, "PitchRotation")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            RollRotation, "RollRotation")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            SerialNumber, "SerialNumber")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            TangentPressure, "TangentPressure")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            TimerTick, "TimerTick")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            TwistOrientation, "TwistOrientation")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, X, "X")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            XTiltOrientation, "XTiltOrientation")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, Y, "Y")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            YawRotation, "YawRotation")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, _
            YTiltOrientation, "YTiltOrientation")
        theReport = theReport & GetProperty(theTablet, Z, "Z")
        theReport = theReport & vbCrLf

    ReportOnEachTablet = theReport
End Function

Public Function GetProperty( _
    ByVal theTablet As IInkTablet, _
    ByVal theGuid As String, _
    ByVal name As String) _
As String
    Dim theReport As String
    Dim theMin As Long
    Dim theMax As Long
    Dim theUnits As TabletPropertyMetricUnit
    Dim theResolution As Single

    ' If this particular property is supported,
    ' report the name and property metrics information.
    If theTablet.IsPacketPropertySupported(theGuid) Then
        theTablet.GetPropertyMetrics _
            theGuid, theMin, theMax, theUnits, theResolution
        theReport = "    " & name & vbCrLf & _
            "        Max: " & theMax & vbCrLf & _
            "        Min: " & theMin & vbCrLf & _
            "        Resolution: " & theResolution & _
            vbCrLf & _
            "        Units: " & theUnits & vbCrLf
    End If
    GetProperty = theReport
End Function

Applies To