SetTextContext Function

SetTextContext Function

Provides the text strings that come before and after the text contained in the recognizer context.

You call this function before processing the ink for the first time. Therefore, call the SetTextContext function before calling the Process function.



  ULONG cwcBefore,
  const WCHAR *pwcBefore,
  ULONG cwcAfter,
  const WCHAR *pwcAfter



[in] Handle to the recognizer context.


[in] Number of characters in pszBefore.


[in] Text string that comes before the text contained in the recognizer context. The string is not NULL terminated.


[in] Number of characters in pwcAfter.


[in] Text string that comes after the text contained in the recognizer context. The string is not NULL-terminated.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success.
E_POINTER The context is invalid or one of the parameters is an invalid pointer.
E_NOTIMPL The recognizer does not support this function.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Unable to allocate memory to complete the operation.
E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred.


The SetTextContext function provides context for a phrase or a word, increasing your recognizer's accuracy. For example, if the pwcBefore string is "under the " and the pwcAfter string is " in the house", you can bias your recognizer using a word or words between the strings. Your recognizer should consider the space after "the" and before "in" when performing the recognition.

However, if the pwcBefore string is "Hel" and the pwcAfter string is "o", the lack of space between the strings indicates the recognizer should recognize one or more letters inside a word that begins with "Hel" and ends with "o".

It is recommended that you limit the length of the text context to no more than 1024 characters each for the left and right contexts.