
上次修改时间: 2010年7月7日

适用范围: SharePoint Foundation 2010

若要在 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 中向一个组添加多个用户,请在添加新的或现有的单个用户时使用 AddUserToGroup 方法,或在添加现有用户的集合时使用 AddUserCollectionToGroup 方法。


在开始之前,请使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 创建一个 Windows 窗体应用程序。有关设置对 SharePoint Foundation Web 服务的 Web 引用的信息,请参阅 Web 服务指南


使用 GetUserCollectionFromSite 方法或 GetUserCollectionFromWeb 方法可从网站返回所有用户。然后,循环访问用户集合并使用 AddUserCollectionToGroup 方法向指定的组添加每个用户。


  1. 在创建 Windows 窗体应用程序项目并添加 Web 引用后,在"设计"视图中打开"窗体 1",打开"工具箱",然后将"按钮"控件拖到窗体上。

  2. 双击按钮以显示"代码编辑器",并将下面的代码行添加到 Button1_Click 事件处理程序中。

    'Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service.
    Dim userGroup As New Web_Reference.UserGroup()
    'Authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    'credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache and, 
    'if adding users from a subsite, set the Url property for the 
    userGroup.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
    userGroup.Url = "http://Server_Name/Subsite_Name/_vti_bin/UserGroup.asmx"
    'Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the XML response 
    'from either the GetUserCollectionFromWeb method or the 
    'GetUserCollectionFromSite method.
    Dim usersSite As System.Xml.XmlNode = userGroup.GetUserCollectionFromWeb()
    'Declare another XmlNode object and initialize it with the first 
    'child node returned from the previous method.
    Dim userNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = usersSite.FirstChild
    'Pass the first child node and its contents as the XMLNode object 
    'parameter for the method.
    userGroup.AddUserCollectionToGroup("Group_Name", userNode)
    /*Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service.*/
    Web_Reference.UserGroup userGroup = new Web_Reference.UserGroup();
    /*Authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache and, 
    if adding users from a subsite, set the Url property for the 
    userGroup.Credentials = 
    userGroup.Url = 
    /*Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the XML response 
    from either the GetUserCollectionFromWeb method or the 
    GetUserCollectionFromSite method*/
    System.Xml.XmlNode usersSite = userGroup.GetUserCollectionFromWeb();
    /*Declare another XmlNode object and initialize it with the first 
    child node returned from the previous method.*/
    System.Xml.XmlNode userNode = usersSite.FirstChild;
    /*Pass the first child node and its contents as the XmlNode object 
    parameter for the method.*/
  3. 在"调试"菜单上,单击"启动调试"以测试表单。单击表单中的按钮以将用户添加到指定的组。


使用 AddUserToGroup 方法可将新的或现有的用户添加到组,而使用 GetUserCollectionFromGroup 方法可返回有关组中的所有用户的信息。


  1. 创建一个 Windows 窗体应用程序,添加 Web 引用,并向该窗体中添加五个"工具箱"控件、一个"标签"控件和一个"按钮"控件。

  2. 双击按钮以显示"代码编辑器",并将下面的代码行添加到 Button1_Click 事件处理程序中。

    'Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    'and authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    'credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache.
    Dim userGroup As New Web_Reference.UserGroup()
    userGroup.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
    'Gather data from the text boxes.
    Dim groupName As String = textBox1.Text
    Dim userName As String = textBox2.Text
    Dim userLoginName As String = textBox3.Text
    Dim userEmail As String = textBox4.Text
    Dim userNotes As String = textBox5.Text
    'Add the specified user to the group. 
    userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, userEmail, userNotes)
    'Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the 
    'XML response from the GetUserCollectionFromGroup method, 
    'declare a second XmlNode object and initialize it with 
    'the first child of the first node returned, and then 
    'declare and initialize an XmlNodeList object with the 
    'child nodes of the second node.
    Dim usersNode1 As System.Xml.XmlNode = userGroup.GetUserCollectionFromGroup(groupName)
    Dim usersNode2 As System.Xml.XmlNode = usersNode1.FirstChild
    Dim userNodes As System.Xml.XmlNodeList = usersNode2.ChildNodes
    'Iterate through the collection of user nodes and 
    'parse out the Name, LoginName, Email, and Notes 
    'attribute values for each item and 
    'then display the values returned.
    Dim user As System.Xml.XmlNode
    For Each user In  userNodes
       Dim name As String = user.Attributes("Name").Value
       Dim loginName As String = user.Attributes("LoginName").Value
       Dim email As String = user.Attributes("Email").Value
       Dim notes As String = user.Attributes("Notes").Value
       label1.Text += ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Lf + name + " : " 
          + loginName + " : " + email + " : " + notes
    Next user
    /*Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    and authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache*/
    Web_Reference.UserGroup userGroup = new Web_Reference.UserGroup();
    userGroup.Credentials = 
    /*Gather data from the text boxes.*/
    string groupName = textBox1.Text;
    string userName = textBox2.Text;
    string userLoginName = textBox3.Text;
    string userEmail = textBox4.Text;
    string userNotes = textBox5.Text;
    /*Add the specified user to the group. */
    userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, 
       userEmail, userNotes);
    /*Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the XML response 
    from the GetUserCollectionFromGroup method, declare a second XmlNode 
    object and initialize it with the first child of the first node 
    returned, and then declare and initialize an XmlNodeList object with 
    the child nodes of the second node.*/
    System.Xml.XmlNode usersNode1 = 
    System.Xml.XmlNode usersNode2 = usersNode1.FirstChild;
    System.Xml.XmlNodeList userNodes = usersNode2.ChildNodes;
    /*Iterate through the collection of user nodes and parse out the 
    Name, LoginName, Email, and Notes attribute values for each item and 
    then display the values returned.*/
    foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode user in userNodes)
        string name = user.Attributes["Name"].Value;
        string loginName = user.Attributes["LoginName"].Value;
        string email = user.Attributes["Email"].Value;
        string notes = user.Attributes["Notes"].Value;
        label1.Text += "\n\n" + name + " : " + loginName + " : " + email 
            + " : " + notes;
  3. 在"调试"菜单上,单击"启动调试"以测试表单。单击表单中的按钮以将用户添加到指定的组并显示组成员。

利用 XML 文件中的信息添加用户

将用户数据集加载到 DataSet 对象中,然后使用 AddUserToGroup 方法以循环访问此集合并向组添加每个用户。

利用 XML 文件中的信息向组添加用户

  1. 创建一个 Windows 窗体应用程序,添加 Web 引用,并向该窗体中添加一个"工具箱"控件和一个"按钮"控件。

  2. 双击按钮以显示"代码编辑器",并将下面的代码行添加到 Button1_Click 事件处理程序中。

    'Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    'and authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    'credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache.
    Dim userGroup As New Web_Reference.UserGroup()
    userGroup.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
    'Instantiate a DataSet control, declare and initialize a string 
    'specifying the full path to the XML file to use as a source.
    Dim dataSet As New DataSet()
    Dim xmlPath As String = "Full_Path_To_XML_File"
    'Read the data from the XML file into the dataset object.
    'Declare a variable for the group name typed in the text box.
    Dim groupName As String = textBox1.Text
    'Iterate through each row in the DataSet object, assign their 
    'values to variables for each parameter, and add each user to the 
    'specified group.
    Dim row As DataRow
    For Each row In  dataSet.Tables(0).Rows
       Dim userName As String = row("name").ToString()
       Dim userLoginName As String = row("loginname").ToString()
       Dim userEmail As String = row("email").ToString()
       Dim userNotes As String = row("notes").ToString()
       userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, userEmail, userNotes)
    Next row
    /*Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    and authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache.*/
    Web_Reference.UserGroup userGroup = new Web_Reference.UserGroup();
    userGroup.Credentials = 
    /*Instantiate a DataSet control, declare and initialize a string 
    specifying the full path to the XML file to use as a source.*/
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
    string xmlPath = "Full_Path_To_XML_File";
    /*Read the data from the XML file into the DataSet object.*/
    /*Declare a variable for the group name typed in the text box.*/
    string groupName = textBox1.Text;
    /*Iterate through each row in the DataSet object, assign their 
    values to variables for each parameter, and add each user to the 
    specified group.*/
    foreach (DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
        string userName = row["name"].ToString();
        string userLoginName = row["loginname"].ToString();
        string userEmail = row["email"].ToString();
        string userNotes = row["notes"].ToString();
        userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, userEmail, userNotes);
  3. 在"调试"菜单上,单击"启动调试"以测试表单。单击表单中的按钮以将用户添加到指定的组并显示组成员。