SPIncludeSecurity Simple Type (DeploymentExportSettings)

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Provides values for the IncludeSecurity attribute on the ExportSettings Element (DeploymentExportSettings).

<xs:simpleType name="SPIncludeSecurity">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="None" />
        <xs:enumeration value="WssOnly" />
        <xs:enumeration value="All" />

Enumeration Values




Specifies that no user or group information is migrated. (Default)


Applies only Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 security settings. Includes user memberships and role assignments such as default roles, for example, Web Designer or any custom roles that extend from the default roles. The access control list (ACL) for each object is migrated. No user information defined in the DAP or LDAP servers is included.


Applies all available Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 security settings. Includes user memberships and role assignments such as default roles, for example, Web Designer or any custom roles that extend from the default roles. The ACL for each object is migrated. In addition, user information defined in the DAP or LDAP servers is included.


The values specify the user and group information that is included during an export operation.

See Also


ExportSettings Element (DeploymentExportSettings)



DeploymentExportSettings Schema