List 成员

Represents a list on a SharePoint Web site.

List 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 List Initializes a new instance of the List object.



  名称 说明
公共属性 AllowContentTypes Gets a value that specifies whether the list supports content types.
公共属性 BaseTemplate Gets the list definition type on which the list is based.
公共属性 BaseType Gets the base type for the list.
公共属性 BrowserFileHandling Gets a value that specifies the override of the web application’s BrowserFileHandling property at the list level.
公共属性 ContentTypes Gets the content types that are associated with the list.
公共属性 ContentTypesEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether content types are enabled for the list.
公共属性 Context Returns the context that is associated with the client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 CrawlNonDefaultViews
公共属性 CreatablesInfo
公共属性 Created Gets a value that specifies when the list was created.
公共属性 CurrentChangeToken
公共属性 CustomActionElements
公共属性 DataSource Gets the data source associated with the list, or 空引用(无 在 Visual Basic 中) if the list is not a virtual list.
公共属性 DefaultContentApprovalWorkflowId Gets or sets a value that specifies the default workflow identifier for content approval on the list.
公共属性 DefaultDisplayFormUrl Gets or sets a value that specifies the location of the default display form for the list.
公共属性 DefaultEditFormUrl Gets or sets a value that specifies the URL of the edit form to use for list items in the list.
公共属性 DefaultNewFormUrl Gets or sets a value that specifies the location of the default new form for the list.
公共属性 DefaultView
公共属性 DefaultViewUrl Gets the URL of the default view for the list.
公共属性 Description Gets or sets a value that specifies the description of the list.
公共属性 DescriptionResource
公共属性 Direction Gets or sets a value that specifies the reading order of the list.
公共属性 DocumentTemplateUrl Gets or sets a value that specifies the server-relative URL of the document template for the list.
公共属性 DraftVersionVisibility Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum permission required to view minor versions and drafts within the list.
公共属性 EffectiveBasePermissions Gets a value that specifies the effective permissions on the list that are assigned to the current user.
公共属性 EffectiveBasePermissionsForUI
公共属性 EnableAttachments Gets or sets a value that specifies whether list item attachments are enabled for the list.
公共属性 EnableFolderCreation Gets or sets a value that specifies whether new list folders can be added to the list.
公共属性 EnableMinorVersions Gets or sets a value that specifies whether minor versions are enabled for the list.
公共属性 EnableModeration Gets or sets a value that specifies whether content approval is enabled for the list.
公共属性 EnableVersioning Gets or sets a value that specifies whether historical versions of list items and documents can be created in the list.
公共属性 EntityTypeName
公共属性 EventReceivers
公共属性 Fields Gets a value that specifies the collection of all fields in the list.
公共属性 FileSavePostProcessingEnabled
公共属性 FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject Gets the object where role assignments for this object are defined. (从 SecurableObject 继承。)
公共属性 ForceCheckout
公共属性 Forms Gets a value that specifies the collection of all list forms in the list.
公共属性 HasExternalDataSource Gets a value that specifies whether the list is an external list.
公共属性 HasUniqueRoleAssignments Gets a value that specifies whether the role assignments are uniquely defined for this securable object or inherited from a parent securable object. (从 SecurableObject 继承。)
公共属性 Hidden Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list is hidden.
公共属性 Id Gets the GUID that identifies the list in the database.
公共属性 ImageUrl Gets a value that specifies the URI for the icon of the list.
公共属性 InformationRightsManagementSettings
公共属性 IrmEnabled
公共属性 IrmExpire
公共属性 IrmReject
公共属性 IsApplicationList Gets or sets a value that specifies a flag that a client application can use to determine whether to display the list.
公共属性 IsCatalog Gets a value that specifies whether the list is a gallery.
公共属性 IsPrivate
公共属性 IsSiteAssetsLibrary
公共属性 ItemCount Gets a value that specifies the number of list items in the list.
公共属性 LastItemDeletedDate Gets a value that specifies the last time a list item was deleted from the list.
公共属性 LastItemModifiedDate Gets a value that specifies the last time a list item, field, or property of the list was modified.
公共属性 ListItemEntityTypeFullName
公共属性 MajorVersionLimit
公共属性 MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit
公共属性 MultipleDataList
公共属性 NoCrawl Gets or sets a value that specifies that the crawler must not crawl the list.
受保护的属性 ObjectData Gets the object data for the current client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 ObjectVersion Gets a string that indicates the version of the current client object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 OnQuickLaunch Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the list appears on the Quick Launch of the site.
公共属性 ParentWeb Gets a value that specifies the site that contains the list.
公共属性 ParentWebUrl Gets a value that specifies the server-relative URL of the site that contains the list.
公共属性 ParserDisabled
公共属性 Path Tracks how a client object is created in the ClientRuntimeContext class so that the object can be recreated on the server. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 RoleAssignments Gets the role assignments for the securable object. (从 SecurableObject 继承。)
公共属性 RootFolder Gets the root folder that contains the files in the list and any related files.
公共属性 SchemaXml Gets a value that specifies the list schema of the list.
公共属性 ServerObjectIsNull Gets the server object and returns null if the server object is null. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 ServerTemplateCanCreateFolders
公共属性 Tag Gets or sets data that is associated with the client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 TemplateFeatureId Gets a value that specifies the feature identifier of the feature that contains the list schema for the list.
公共属性 Title Gets or sets the displayed title for the list.
公共属性 TitleResource
公共属性 TypedObject Gets the object with the correct type information returned from the server. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 UserCustomActions Gets a value that specifies the collection of all user custom actions for the list.
公共属性 ValidationFormula Gets or sets a value that specifies the data validation criteria for a list item.
公共属性 ValidationMessage Gets or sets a value that specifies the error message returned when data validation fails for a list item.
公共属性 Views Gets a value that specifies the collection of all public views on the list and personal views of the current user on the list.
公共属性 WorkflowAssociations Gets a value that specifies the collection of all workflow associations for the list.



  名称 说明
公共方法 AddItem Creates a new list item in the list.
公共方法 BreakRoleInheritance Creates unique role assignments for the securable object. (从 SecurableObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 CheckUninitializedProperty Checks to determine whether the specified value type property of a ClientObject has been initialized. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 CreateDocument
公共方法 CreateDocumentAndGetEditLink
公共方法 CreateDocumentFromTemplate
公共方法 CreateDocumentFromTemplateBytes
公共方法 CreateDocumentFromTemplateStream
公共方法 CreateDocumentWithDefaultName
公共方法 CustomFromJson Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 DeleteObject Deletes the list.
公共方法 FromJson Indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 GetChanges Returns the collection of changes from the change log that have occurred within the list, based on the specified query.
公共方法 GetItemById(Int32) Returns the list item with the specified list item identifier.
公共方法 GetItemById(String)
公共方法 GetItems Returns a collection of items from the list based on the specified query.
公共方法 GetRelatedFields Returns a collection of lookup fields that use this list as a data source and that have FieldLookup.IsRelationship set to true.
公共方法 GetSpecialFolderUrl
公共方法 GetUserEffectivePermissions
公共方法 GetView Returns the list view with the specified view identifier.
公共方法 GetWebDavUrl
受保护的方法 InitNonPropertyFieldFromJson Initializes a non-property field of the client object based on JavaScript 对象表示法 (JSON) data from the server. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 InitOnePropertyFromJson (覆盖 SecurableObject.InitOnePropertyFromJson(String, JsonReader)。)
公共方法 IsObjectPropertyInstantiated Indicates whether the specified property of the client object is instantiated. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 IsPropertyAvailable Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified scalar property has been retrieved or set. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 LoadExpandoFields Initializes the extended properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 Recycle Moves the list to the Recycle Bin and returns the identifier of the new Recycle Bin item.
公共方法 RefreshLoad Reloads all scalar properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 RemoveFromParentCollection Removes the current client object from the parent client object collection. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 RenderExtendedListFormData
公共方法 RenderListContextMenuData
公共方法 RenderListData
公共方法 RenderListDataAsStream
公共方法 RenderListFilterData
公共方法 RenderListFormData
公共方法 ReserveListItemId
公共方法 ResetRoleInheritance When implemented in a derived class, removes local role assignments so that role assignments, for all descendant objects, are re-inherited from the parent object. (从 SecurableObject 继承。)
公共方法 Retrieve() Retrieves all scalar properties associated with the object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 Retrieve([]) Retrieves the specified scalar properties associated with the object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 SaveAsNewView
公共方法 ToString (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 Update Updates the database with changes that are made to the list.
受保护的方法 UpdateClientObjectPropertyType Updates the client object property's value to have correct type by using the type information returned from the server. (从 ClientObject 继承。)




List 类

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client 命名空间