Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac 命名空间

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac namespace contains classes that represent the Dac objects. The top-level instance is called DacStore and provides the connection to SQL Server. The Dac objects can be used to create and manage a DAC package, which contains all the information required to re-create a data-tier application.

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac namespace contains the DAC objects. The DAC objects are used together with the Microsoft.SqlServer.Managment.Smo, Microsoft.SqlServer.Managment.Dmf, and Microsoft.SqlServer.Managment.Utility namespaces to create DAC packages. The DAC packages can be installed on an instance of SQL Server using the DAC object model, or deployed onto the SQL Server Utility using the SQL Server Utility object model. In Design mode, SMO is not connected to an instance of SQL Server. The SMO objects are used to design a data-tier application structure which can be saved into the DAC package. A DAC package can also include a limited amount of reference data and some miscellaneous files. Policy information is stored for each SMO instance class, and for the overall instance of SQL Server using DMF conditions. After it is created, the DAC package can be used to install the data-tier application on an instance of SQL Server that meets the specified DMF conditions. In connected mode, the SMO Server object represents an instance of SQL Server.

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac namespace resides in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac.dll file. Additionally, some of the enumeration classes are in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DacEnum.dll files. You must import both files to access the classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac namespace. In addition, you must import the Microsoft.SqlServer.Managment.Smo, Microsoft.SqlServer.Managment.Dmf, and Microsoft.SqlServer.Managment.Sdk.Sfc namespaces to create a DAC package.

By using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac namespace, you can do the following:

  • Create an object graph that represents the data-tier application structure.

  • Add reference data.

  • Add miscellaneous files

  • Add deployment conditions.

  • Add configuration conditions.

  • Install the DAC package.

  • Upgrade a DAC package.

  • Create a DAC package.

  • Load and save a DAC package from file (serialize and deserialize).

公共类 ActionNotSupportedException The ActionNotSupportedException class is used to raise an exception when the requested data-tier action, such as upgrade or register, is not supported by the version of the Database Engine the application is connected to.
公共类 BinarySourceBase The BinarySourceBase type is a base class that provides access to the IBinarySource interface.
公共类 ConnectionNotSetException The ConnectionNotSetException class is used to raise an exception when the connection passed to a DAC action, such as install, upgrade, or uninstall.
公共类 DacActionEventArgs 表示在部署和卸载过程中某个 DAC 操作步骤引发事件时发送的数据。
公共类 DacActionValidator Validates that the requirements of the DAC action (install, upgrade, or uninstall) are in place.
公共类 DacCompilationError The CompilationError class represents an error generated when the DAC package is being compiled.
公共类 DacCompilationErrorCollection The DacCompilationErrorCollection type stores a collection of DAC compilation errors.
公共类 DacCompilationResult The DacCompilationResult class represents the DAC package and the collection of errors generated by compiling it.
公共类 DacCompilationUnit The DacCompilationUnit accepts Transact-SQL content and compiles it into a data-tier application (DAC) type. Any Transact-SQL file can be added or removed prior to compilation. 
公共类 DacConfig The DacConfig class returns data-tier application (DAC) configuration information.
公共类 DacDatabaseInformation The DacDatabaseInformation object stores information about data-tier application (DAC) actions that can be performed on a database.
公共类 DacDomain The DacDomain class instantiates the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc methods and properties inherited by the DacStore class.
公共类 DacDomain. . :: . .Key The DacDomain..::..Key class contains the key that identifies the DacDomain class.
公共类 DacException The DacException class is a generic exception that is raised when an error occurs using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac namespace.
公共类 DacExtractionException The DacExtractionException class is a an exception that is raised when an error occurs during extraction of a DAC package.
公共类 DacExtractionUnit The DacExtractionUnit class contains the information that must be extracted to a DAC type, such as server graphs and miscellaneous files.
公共类 DacExtractValidationResult The DacExtractValidationResult object represents the result of extracting objects from a DAC package.
公共类 DacInstance The DacInstance type stores metadata information, such as the instance name and date created, about a deployed instance of a data-tier application (DAC).
公共类 DacInstance. . :: . .Key The DacInstance..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the DacInstance class.
公共类 DacInstanceCollection The DacInstanceCollection type stores one or more DAC instances contained in an instance of the Database Engine.
公共类 DacServerInformation The DacServerInformation class specifies the level of support for data-tier application (DAC) operations, such as upgrade, in an instance of the Database Engine.
公共类 DacStore DacStore 类型是 DAC 对象模型的根。它是 DAC 实例集合的根。
公共类 DacType DacType 类表示已开发和部署的、用于支持特定应用程序的一组数据层对象、策略和属性。
公共类 DacUpgradeOptions 使用此类型可以指定在升级 DAC 实例时采用的选项。
公共类 DacUpgradeResult The DacUpgradeResult class records information about the results of upgrading a DAC instance.
公共类 DatabaseDeploymentProperties The DatabaseDeploymentProperties object represents the properties of a deployed database.
公共类 DatabaseExtractValidator Validates that the database can be extracted.
公共类 DeploymentValidationException The DeploymentValidationException class represents an exception thrown during DAC deployment due to a validation error.
公共类 DesignModeServerExtractException The DesignModeServerExtractException class represents an exception that is raised the server containing the database specified in an extract operation is in Design mode.
公共类 ExtractValidationException The ExtractValidationException class represents an exception thrown during a validation operation.
公共类 FailedTargetSelectionException The FailedTargetSelectionException class represents an exception that is thrown when target selection policy fails during deployment of a DAC.
公共类 FileExtraSource The FileSource type represents a miscellaneous file that is included in the DAC package.
公共类 InvalidaDACTypeCredentialsException The InvalidDacTypeCredentialsException class is an exception that is raised when upgrading a DAC if the credentials of the new DAC type do not match the credentials of the current DAC instance.
公共类 InvalidaDatabaseStateException The InvalidDatabaseStateException class is an exception that is raised when a database is in a state that cannot support a requested data-tier application (DAC) action, such as deploy or upgrade.
公共类 InvalidDatabaseExtractException The DatabaseExtractException class is an exception that is raised when the database specified in an extract operation is invalid.
公共类 InvalidDatabaseStateForExtractException 在数据库状态阻止提取操作时引发。
公共类 InvalidInputException The InvalidInputException class is raised when validation of input data fails in the DAC package.
公共类 MiscellaneousFilesCollection The MiscellaneousFilesCollection class contains a collection of files to be added to the DAC package.
公共类 MissingDacSchemaException The MissingDacSchemaException class is an exception that is raised during validation when the DAC schema is missing.
公共类 MissingExtractServerPermissionsException The MissingExtractServerPermissionsException class represents an exception that is raised during extraction when the caller has insufficient permissions on the server to extract the database.
公共类 MissingServerPermissionsException The MissingServerPermissionsException class represents an exception that is raised when the caller has insufficient permissions on the server to deploy the DAC.
公共类 MissingServerPermissionsForRePartException The MissingServerPermissionsForRePartException class represents an exception that is raised when the caller does not have sufficient permissions
公共类 ServerDeploymentValidator The ServerDeploymentValidator class validates that the specified database engine is able to be used as a DAC store.
公共类 SmoBuilder The SmoBuilder class defines the GetSmoHierarchy method, which generates the SMO server hierarchy from binder metadata.
公共类 SourceInfo The SourceInfo class represents a location in a DAC source file that has thrown an exception.
公共类 TSqlCompilationErrorCollection The TSqlCompilationErrorCollection class represents a collection of TSqlCompilationError objects.
公共类 TSqlCompilationException The TSqlCompilationException class represents an exception that is thrown during Transact-SQL compilation.
公共类 TSqlCompilationResult The TSqlCompilationResult class defines methods and properties that contain information about the result of a Transact-SQL compilation.
公共类 TSqlSourceFile The TSqlSourceFile class represents a Transact-SQL source file.
公共类 ValidatedObject The ValidatedObject class describes objects that have been validated.
公共类 ValidatedObjectEventArgs Represents an object that was validated as part of a data-tier application (DAC) action, such as deploy or delete.


  结构 说明
公共结构 Location Represents the location of the source of the error in the Transact-SQL input files to the DAC compilation unit.
公共结构 TSqlCompilationError The TSqlCompilationError class contains information on a Transact-SQL compilation error or warning.


  接口 说明
公共接口 IBinarySource The IBinarySource type is an interface that provides access to an I/O file stream.
公共接口 IExtraSource The IExtraSource type is an interface that provides I/O stream access to a miscellaneous file in the DAC package.
公共接口 ISizeItem Defines an interface that allows the implementing class to calculate its size.


  枚举 说明
公共枚举 ActionName ActionName 枚举列出每个可能的操作步骤的名称。
公共枚举 ActionState The ActionState enumeration lists the possible DAC action step states.
公共枚举 DacExceptionType The DacExceptionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of DAC exception.
公共枚举 DacUninstallMode The DacUninstallMode enumeration contains values that are used to specify what to do with the database associated with a DAC instance when the instance is uninstalled.
公共枚举 DatabaseState 枚举 DAC 数据库的可能状态。
公共枚举 MessageLevel 此枚举指示事件参数的消息级别。根据事件的类型,将给这些参数添加批注。
公共枚举 ObjectValidationResult An enumeration that specifies the values for reporting the results of validating or extracting an object.