Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Metadata 命名空间

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Metadata namespace contains types designed to support the SQL Server parser.

公共类 CollationInfo Provides information about a specific database collation.
公共类 ComputedColumnInfo Provides the SQL Server computed column specification.
公共类 DataTypeArgSpec Represents a system data type numeric-argument specification.
公共类 DataTypeSpec Represents a built-in data type specification.
公共类 IdentityColumnInfo Provides the SQL Server identity column specification.


  接口 说明
公共接口 IApplicationRole Represents a SQL Server security role that enables an application to run with its own, user-like permissions.
公共接口 IAsymmetricKey Represents a SQL Server asymmetric key.
公共接口 IBuiltInFunction Represents a built-in function or a system function that starts with two at signs (@@).
公共接口 ICallableModule Represents a SQL Server callable module, such as a stored procedure or a scalar-valued function.
公共接口 ICertificate Represents a SQL Server certificate.
公共接口 ICheckConstraint Represents a CHECK constraint.
公共接口 IClrDataType Represents a user-defined CLR data type (UDT).
公共接口 ICollation Represents a SQL Server collation.
公共接口 IColumn Represents a SQL Server column. 
公共接口 IConstraint Represents tabular object constraints.
公共接口 ICredential Represents a SQL Server credential.
公共接口 ICursorDataType Represents a SQL Server cursor data type.
公共接口 ICursorParameter Represents a parameter of a cursor type.
公共接口 ICursorVariable Represents a cursor type variable.
公共接口 IDatabase Represents a SQL Server database. 
公共接口 IDatabaseDdlTrigger Represents a database DDL trigger.
公共接口 IDatabaseObject Defines methods and properties that are common to all database objects.
公共接口 IDatabaseObjectVisitor< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a database object visitor.
公共接口 IDatabaseOwnedObject Represents a metadata object that is owned by an IDatabase object.
公共接口 IDatabaseOwnedObjectVisitor< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a SQL Server database-owned object visitor.
公共接口 IDatabasePrincipal Represents a SQL Server database-level principal object.
公共接口 IDatabaseRole Represents a SQL Server database security role.
公共接口 IDatabaseTable Represents a database table.
公共接口 IDataType Represents a SQL Server data type.
公共接口 IDatePart Represents a date-part built-in function argument (for example, hh, iso_week, and so on).
公共接口 IDefaultConstraint Represents a SQL Server default constraint.
公共接口 IDmlTrigger Represents a SQL Server DML trigger. 
公共接口 IExecutionContext Represents a SQL Server user-defined module execution context.
公共接口 IExtendedStoredProcedure Represents a SQL Server extended stored procedure.
公共接口 IFileGroup Represents a SQL Server filegroup.
公共接口 IForeignKeyColumn Represents a SQL Server foreign key column.
公共接口 IForeignKeyConstraint Represents a SQL Server FOREIGN KEY constraint.
公共接口 IFunction Represents a SQL Server function.
公共接口 IFunctionModuleBase Common base interface for the IFunction and ICallableModule interfaces.
公共接口 IIndex Represents a SQL Server index.
公共接口 IIndexedColumn Represents a SQL Server column that is participating in an index.
公共接口 ILocalVariable Defines a local variable or parameter.
公共接口 ILogin Represents a SQL Server login.
公共接口 IMetadataCollection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Defines size, enumerators, lookup and filtering methods for all metadata object collections. The interface provides read-only access to the elements in the collection.
公共接口 IMetadataObject Represents a SQL Server metadata object.
公共接口 IMetadataObjectVisitor< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a SQL Server metadata object visitor.
公共接口 IMetadataOrderedCollection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a collection of metadata objects where the element ordering is preserved.
公共接口 IMutableApplicationRole Represents a mutable SQL Server security role that enables an application to run with its own, user-like permissions.
公共接口 IMutableAsymmetricKey Represents a mutable SQL Server asymmetric key.
公共接口 IMutableCallableModule Represents a mutable SQL Server callable module, such as a stored procedure or a scalar-valued function.
公共接口 IMutableCertificate Represents a mutable SQL Server certificate.
公共接口 IMutableCheckConstraint Represents a mutable SQL Server CHECK constraint.
公共接口 IMutableClrDataType Represents mutable user-defined CLR data type (UDT).
公共接口 IMutableColumn Represents a mutable SQL Server column. 
公共接口 IMutableConstraint Represents tabular object mutable constraints.
公共接口 IMutableCredential Represents a mutable SQL Server credential.
公共接口 IMutableDatabase Represents a mutable SQL Server database. 
公共接口 IMutableDatabaseDdlTrigger Represents a mutable database DDL trigger.
公共接口 IMutableDatabaseObject Defines methods and properties that are common to all mutable database objects.
公共接口 IMutableDatabaseOwnedObject Represents a mutable metadata object that is owned by an IDatabase object.
公共接口 IMutableDatabasePrincipal Represents a mutable SQL Server database-level principal object.
公共接口 IMutableDatabaseRole Represents a mutable SQL Server database security role.
公共接口 IMutableDatabaseTable Represents a database table.
公共接口 IMutableDataType Represents a mutable SQL Server data type.
公共接口 IMutableDefaultConstraint Represents a mutable SQL Server default constraint.
公共接口 IMutableDmlTrigger Represents a mutable SQL Server DML trigger. 
公共接口 IMutableForeignKeyConstraint Represents a mutable SQL Server FOREIGN KEY constraint.
公共接口 IMutableFunction Represents a mutable SQL Server function. 
公共接口 IMutableFunctionModuleBase Common base interface for the IMutableFunction and IMutableCallableModule interfaces.
公共接口 IMutableIndex Represents a mutable SQL Server index. 
公共接口 IMutableIndexedColumn Represents a mutable SQL Server column that is participating in an index.
公共接口 IMutableLogin Represents a mutable SQL Server login.
公共接口 IMutableMetadataCollection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Defines methods to manipulate collections of objects that implement the IMetadataObject interface.
公共接口 IMutableMetadataObject Defines common interface of all mutable metadata objects.
公共接口 IMutableMetadataOrderedCollection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a mutable collection of metadata objects where the element ordering is preserved.
公共接口 IMutablePassword Represents a mutable SQL Server login password.
公共接口 IMutableRelationalIndex Represents a mutable SQL Server relational index.
公共接口 IMutableScalar Represents a mutable scalar metadata object.
公共接口 IMutableScalarDataType Represents a mutable SQL Server scalar data type.
公共接口 IMutableScalarFunction Represents a mutable SQL Server scalar function.
公共接口 IMutableScalarValuedFunction Represents a mutable SQL Server scalar-valued function.
公共接口 IMutableSchema Represents a mutable SQL Server schema.
公共接口 IMutableSchemaOwnedObject Represents a mutable metadata object that is owned by a schema.
公共接口 IMutableServer Represents a mutable instance of SQL Server.
公共接口 IMutableServerDdlTrigger Represents a mutable SQL Server DDL trigger.
公共接口 IMutableServerOwnedObject Represents a mutable metadata object that is owned by an IServer object.
公共接口 IMutableStoredProcedure Represents a mutable SQL Server stored procedure.
公共接口 IMutableTable Represents a mutable SQL Server database table.
公共接口 IMutableTableDataType Represents a mutable SQL Server table data type.
公共接口 IMutableTableValuedFunction Represents a mutable SQL Server table-valued function.
公共接口 IMutableTableViewBase Base interface for the IMutableTable and IMutableView interfaces.
公共接口 IMutableTabular Defines a mutable interface for tabular metadata objects.
公共接口 IMutableTrigger Represents a mutable SQL Server trigger.
公共接口 IMutableTriggerEventSet< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a set of mutable trigger events.
公共接口 IMutableUser Represents a mutable SQL Server user.
公共接口 IMutableUserDefinedClrType Represents a mutable SQL Server user-defined CLR type (UDT).
公共接口 IMutableUserDefinedDataType Represents a mutable user-defined data type.
公共接口 IMutableUserDefinedFunction Represents a mutable user-defined function.
公共接口 IMutableUserDefinedFunctionModuleBase Common base interface for the IMutableUserDefinedFunction and IMutableCallableModule interfaces.
公共接口 IMutableUserDefinedTableType Represents a mutable user-defined table type.
公共接口 IMutableUserDefinedType Defines a common interface for all mutable user-defined types. These types include user-defined data types, user-defined table types, and user-defined CLR types.
公共接口 IMutableView Represents a mutable SQL Server database view. 
公共接口 IMutableVirtualTable
公共接口 IParameter Represents a SQL Server parameter.
公共接口 IPartitionScheme Represents a SQL Server partition scheme.
公共接口 IPassword Represents a SQL Server login password.
公共接口 IPrimaryKeyConstraint Represents a SQL Server PRIMARY KEY constraint.
公共接口 IRelationalIndex Represents a SQL Server relational index.
公共接口 IScalar Represents a scalar metadata object.
公共接口 IScalarDataType Represents a SQL Server scalar data type.
公共接口 IScalarExpression Represents a scalar expression such as literals, for example: 1, 'hello', and so on; and the evaluation of scalar expressions, for example: 1 + 5, 12 * dbo.test('a'), and so on.
公共接口 IScalarFunction Represents a SQL Server scalar function.
公共接口 IScalarParameter Represents a SQL Server scalar parameter.
公共接口 IScalarValuedFunction Represents a SQL Server scalar-valued function.
公共接口 IScalarVariable Represents a SQL Server scalar variable.
公共接口 ISchema Represents a SQL Server schema.
公共接口 ISchemaOwnedObject Represents a metadata database object that is owned by a schema.
公共接口 ISchemaOwnedObjectVisitor< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a SQL Server schema-owned object visitor.
公共接口 IServer Represents an instance of SQL Server.
公共接口 IServerDdlTrigger Represents a SQL Server DDL trigger. 
公共接口 IServerOwnedObject Represents a metadata object that is owned by an IServer object.
公共接口 IServerOwnedObjectVisitor< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a server-owned object visitor.
公共接口 ISpatialIndex Represents a SQL Server spatial index.
公共接口 IStoredProcedure Represents a SQL Server stored procedure. 
公共接口 ISystemClrDataType Represents a SQL Server system CLR data type.
公共接口 ISystemDataType Represents a SQL Server built-in system data type.
公共接口 ITable Represents a SQL Server database table.
公共接口 ITableDataType Represents a SQL Server table data type.
公共接口 ITableParameter Represents a parameter of table type.
公共接口 ITableValuedFunction Represents a SQL Server table-valued function.
公共接口 ITableVariable Represents a SQL Server table variable. 
公共接口 ITableViewBase Base interface for the ITable and IView interfaces.
公共接口 ITabular Defines a common interface for all tabular metadata objects.
公共接口 ITrigger Represents a SQL Server trigger.
公共接口 ITriggerEventSet< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a set of trigger events.
公共接口 IUdtDataMember Represents a user-defined type property or field.
公共接口 IUdtMember Defines a common interface for all user-defined type members.
公共接口 IUdtMethod Represents a SQL Server user-defined type method.
公共接口 IUniqueConstraint Represents a SQL Server UNIQUE constraint.
公共接口 IUniqueConstraintBase Base interface for UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints.
公共接口 IUser Represents a SQL Server user.
公共接口 IUserDefinedAggregate Represents a SQL Server user-defined aggregate.
公共接口 IUserDefinedClrType Represents a SQL Server user-defined CLR type (UDT).
公共接口 IUserDefinedDataType Represents a user-defined data type.
公共接口 IUserDefinedFunction Represents a user-defined function.
公共接口 IUserDefinedFunctionModuleBase Common base interface for the IUserDefinedFunction and ICallableModule interfaces.
公共接口 IUserDefinedTableType Represents a user-defined table type.
公共接口 IUserDefinedType Defines a common interface for all user-defined types. These types include user-defined data types, user-defined table types, and user-defined CLR types.
公共接口 IView Represents a SQL Server database view. 
公共接口 IVirtualTable Represents a virtual table (a table that is not database-persisted).
公共接口 IVoidDataType Represents a void data type.
公共接口 IXmlDataType Represents the SQL Server xml data type.
公共接口 IXmlDataTypeMethod Represents a method that can be called on a scalar of the xml data type.
公共接口 IXmlIndex Represents a SQL Server XML index.


  枚举 说明
公共枚举 CallableModuleType Defines the callable module types.
公共枚举 ConstraintType Specifies SQL Server constraint types.
公共枚举 DatabaseDdlTriggerEventType Represents a database DDL trigger event type.
公共枚举 ExecutionContextType Specifies the execution context for the user-defined module.
公共枚举 ForeignKeyAction Specifies the action that is taken when the primary key that is referenced by a foreign key is updated.
公共枚举 LoginType Specifies the login type.
公共枚举 ScalarType Defines the scalar object types.
公共枚举 ServerDdlTriggerEventType Specifies the DDL events that can fire a DDL trigger.
公共枚举 SortOrder Defines the item sort order.
公共枚举 SqlDataType Specifies the SQL Server built-in data type.
公共枚举 TabularType Defines a tabular object type.
公共枚举 UserType Specifies the user type.