
Integration Services 运行时引擎提供了一个事件集合,该集合可在任务验证和执行时提供任务进度的状态。IDTSComponentEvents 接口用于定义这些事件,并且该接口可作为 ValidateExecute 方法的参数提供给任务。

此外,还有另一组在 IDTSEvents 接口中定义的事件,TaskHost 可代表任务引发这些事件。TaskHost 将引发在验证和执行之前或之后发生的事件,而任务则引发在执行和验证期间发生的事件。


自定义任务开发人员可通过在其 InitializeTask 方法的重写实现中创建新的 EventInfo 来定义新的自定义事件。创建 EventInfo 后,可使用 Add 方法将其添加到 EventInfos 集合。Add 方法的方法签名如下所示:

public void Add(string eventName, string description, bool allowEventHandlers, string[] parameterNames, TypeCode[] parameterTypes, string[] parameterDescriptions);

下面的代码示例演示自定义任务的 InitializeTask 方法,在该自定义任务中,创建了两个自定义事件并设置了其属性。然后,将新事件添加到 EventInfos 集合。

第一个自定义事件的 eventName 为“OnBeforeIncrement”,description 为“Fires after the initial value is updated”。下一个参数为 true 值,指示此事件应允许创建用于处理事件的事件处理程序容器。事件处理程序是一个可向任务提供包和服务中的结构的容器,像其他诸如包、序列、ForLoop 和 ForEachLoop 的其他容器一样。如果 allowEventHandlers 参数为 true,则将创建事件的 DtsEventHandler 对象。为事件定义的所有参数现在均可在 DtsEventHandler 的变量集合中用于 DtsEventHandler

public override void InitializeTask(Connections connections,
   VariableDispenser variables, IDTSInfoEvents events,
   IDTSLogging log, EventInfos eventInfos,
   LogEntryInfos logEntryInfos, ObjectReferenceTracker refTracker)
    this.eventInfos = eventInfos;
    string[] paramNames = new string[1];
    TypeCode[] paramTypes = new TypeCode[1]{TypeCode.Int32};
    string[] paramDescriptions = new string[1];

    paramNames[0] = "InitialValue";
    paramDescriptions[0] = "The value before it is incremented.";

      "Fires before the task increments the value.",
    this.onBeforeIncrement = this.eventInfos["OnBeforeIncrement"];

    paramDescriptions[0] = "The value after it has been incremented.";
      "Fires after the initial value is updated.",
      true,paramNames, paramTypes,paramDescriptions);
    this.onAfterIncrement = this.eventInfos["OnAfterIncrement"];
Public Overrides Sub InitializeTask(ByVal connections As Connections, _
ByVal variables As VariableDispenser, ByVal events As IDTSInfoEvents, _
ByVal log As IDTSLogging, ByVal eventInfos As EventInfos, _
ByVal logEntryInfos As LogEntryInfos, ByVal refTracker As ObjectReferenceTracker) 

    Dim paramNames(0) As String
    Dim paramTypes(0) As TypeCode = {TypeCode.Int32}
    Dim paramDescriptions(0) As String

    Me.eventInfos = eventInfos

    paramNames(0) = "InitialValue"
    paramDescriptions(0) = "The value before it is incremented."

    Me.eventInfos.Add("OnBeforeIncrement", _
      "Fires before the task increments the value.", _
      True, paramNames, paramTypes, paramDescriptions)
    Me.onBeforeIncrement = Me.eventInfos("OnBeforeIncrement")

    paramDescriptions(0) = "The value after it has been incremented."
    Me.eventInfos.Add("OnAfterIncrement", _
      "Fires after the initial value is updated.", True, _
      paramNames, paramTypes, paramDescriptions)
    Me.onAfterIncrement = Me.eventInfos("OnAfterIncrement")

End Sub


通过调用 FireCustomEvent 方法引发自定义事件。下面的代码行引发了一个自定义事件。

   this.onBeforeIncrement.Description, ref arguments,
   null, ref bFireOnBeforeIncrement);
componentEvents.FireCustomEvent(Me.onBeforeIncrement.Name, _
Me.onBeforeIncrement.Description, arguments, _
Nothing,  bFireOnBeforeIncrement)


下面的示例演示了一个任务,该任务在 InitializeTask 方法中定义了一个自定义事件,再将该自定义事件添加到 EventInfos 集合,然后通过调用 FireCustomEvent 方法在其 Execute 方法中引发该自定义事件。

[DtsTask(DisplayName = "CustomEventTask")]
    public class CustomEventTask : Task
        public override DTSExecResult Execute(Connections connections, 
          VariableDispenser variableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents componentEvents,
           IDTSLogging log, object transaction)
            bool fireAgain;
            object[] args = new object[1] { "The value of the parameter." };
            componentEvents.FireCustomEvent( "MyCustomEvent", 
              "Firing the custom event.", ref args,
              "CustomEventTask" , ref fireAgain );
            return DTSExecResult.Success;

        public override void InitializeTask(Connections connections,
          VariableDispenser variableDispenser, IDTSInfoEvents events,
          IDTSLogging log, EventInfos eventInfos,
          LogEntryInfos logEntryInfos, ObjectReferenceTracker refTracker)
            string[] names = new string[1] {"Parameter1"};
            TypeCode[] types = new TypeCode[1] {TypeCode.String};
            string[] descriptions = new string[1] {"Parameter description." };

             "Fires when my interesting event happens.",
             true, names, types, descriptions);

<DtsTask(DisplayName = "CustomEventTask")> _ 
    Public Class CustomEventTask
     Inherits Task
        Public Overrides Function Execute(ByVal connections As Connections, _
          ByVal variableDispenser As VariableDispenser, _
          ByVal componentEvents As IDTSComponentEvents, _
          ByVal log As IDTSLogging, ByVal transaction As Object) _
          As DTSExecResult

            Dim fireAgain As Boolean
            Dim args() As Object =  New Object(1) {"The value of the parameter."}

            componentEvents.FireCustomEvent("MyCustomEvent", _
              "Firing the custom event.", args, _
              "CustomEventTask" ,  fireAgain)
            Return DTSExecResult.Success
        End Function
        Public Overrides  Sub InitializeTask(ByVal connections As Connections, _
          ByVal variableDispenser As VariableDispenser,
          ByVal events As IDTSInfoEvents,
          ByVal log As IDTSLogging, ByVal eventInfos As EventInfos, ByVal logEnTryInfos As LogEnTryInfos, ByVal refTracker As ObjectReferenceTracker)

            Dim names() As String =  New String(1) {"Parameter1"}
            Dim types() As TypeCode =  New TypeCode(1) {TypeCode.String}
            Dim descriptions() As String =  New String(1) {"Parameter description."}

            eventInfos.Add("MyCustomEvent", _
              "Fires when my interesting event happens.", _
              True, names, types, descriptions)

        End Sub

    End Class
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