使用 UI 自动化公开表的内容

更新:2007 年 11 月

本主题演示如何能够使用 Microsoft UI 自动化来公开表格控件内每个单元格的内容和内部属性。


下面的代码示例演示如何获取代表表格单元格内容的 AutomationElement;同时还会获取诸如行和列索引、行和列跨距以及行和列标题信息等单元格属性。此示例使用焦点更改事件处理程序来模拟实现 UI 自动化的表格控件的键盘遍历。将在焦点更改事件上公开每个表格项的信息。


由于焦点更改是全局桌面事件,因此应筛选表格外部的焦点更改事件。有关相关实现的信息,请参见 TrackFocus 示例

''' -------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Starts the target application and returns the AutomationElement 
''' obtained from the targets window handle.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="exe">
''' The target application.
''' </param>
''' <param name="filename">
''' The text file to be opened in the target application
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' An AutomationElement representing the target application.
''' </returns>
''' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function StartTarget(ByVal exe As String, ByVal filename As String) As AutomationElement
    ' Start text editor and load with a text file.
    Dim p As Process = Process.Start(exe, filename)

    ' targetApp --> the root AutomationElement
    Dim targetApp As AutomationElement = _

    Return targetApp
End Function


''' -------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Obtain the table control of interest from the target application.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="targetApp">
''' The target application.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' An AutomationElement representing a table control.
''' </returns>
''' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function GetTableElement(ByVal targetApp As AutomationElement) As AutomationElement
    ' The control type we're looking for; in this case 'Document'
    Dim cond1 As PropertyCondition = _
        New PropertyCondition( _
        AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, _

    ' The control pattern of interest; in this case 'TextPattern'.
    Dim cond2 As PropertyCondition = _
        New PropertyCondition( _
        AutomationElement.IsTablePatternAvailableProperty, _

    Dim tableCondition As AndCondition = New AndCondition(cond1, cond2)

    Dim targetTableElement As AutomationElement = _
    targetApp.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, tableCondition)

    ' If targetTableElement is null then a suitable table control 
    ' was not found.
    Return targetTableElement
End Function


''' <summary>
''' Obtains a TableItemPattern control pattern from an 
''' AutomationElement.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="targetControl">
''' The AutomationElement of interest.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' A TableItemPattern object.
''' </returns>
Private Function GetTableItemPattern( _
ByVal targetControl As AutomationElement) As TableItemPattern
    Dim tableItemPattern As TableItemPattern = Nothing

        tableItemPattern = DirectCast( _
        targetControl.GetCurrentPattern(tableItemPattern.Pattern), TableItemPattern)
    Catch exc As InvalidOperationException
        ' Object doesn't support the 
        ' GridPattern control pattern
        Return Nothing
    End Try

    Return tableItemPattern

End Function 'GetTableItemPattern    


''' <summary>
''' Obtains a TablePattern control pattern from an 
''' AutomationElement.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="targetControl">
''' The AutomationElement of interest.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' A TablePattern object.
''' </returns>
Private Function GetTablePattern( _
ByVal targetControl As AutomationElement) As TablePattern
    Dim tablePattern As TablePattern = Nothing

        tablePattern = DirectCast( _
        targetControl.GetCurrentPattern(tablePattern.Pattern), _
    Catch exc As InvalidOperationException
        ' Object doesn't support the 
        ' TablePattern control pattern
        Return Nothing
    End Try

    Return tablePattern

End Function 'GetTablePattern    


''' <summary>
''' Set up table item event listeners.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' The event listener is essentially a focus change listener.
''' Since this is a global desktop listener, a filter would be required 
''' to ignore focus change events outside the table.
''' </remarks>
Private Sub SetTableItemEventListeners( _
ByVal targetControl As AutomationElement)
    Dim tableItemFocusChangedListener As AutomationFocusChangedEventHandler = _
    AddressOf OnTableItemFocusChange
    Automation.AddAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler( _

End Sub 'SetTableItemEventListeners    


''' <summary>
''' Event handler for table item focus change.
''' Can be used to track traversal of individual table items 
''' within a table.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="src">Object that raised the event.</param>
''' <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
Private Sub OnTableItemFocusChange( _
ByVal src As Object, ByVal e As AutomationFocusChangedEventArgs)
    ' Make sure the element still exists. Elements such as tooltips
    ' can disappear before the event is processed.
    Dim sourceElement As AutomationElement
        sourceElement = DirectCast(src, AutomationElement)
    Catch exc As ElementNotAvailableException
    End Try

    ' Get a TableItemPattern from the source of the event.
    Dim tableItemPattern As TableItemPattern = _

    If tableItemPattern Is Nothing Then
    End If

    ' Get a TablePattern from the container of the current element.
    Dim tablePattern As TablePattern = _

    If tablePattern Is Nothing Then
    End If

    Dim tableItem As AutomationElement = Nothing
        tableItem = tablePattern.GetItem( _
        tableItemPattern.Current.Row, tableItemPattern.Current.Column)

    Catch exc As ArgumentOutOfRangeException
        ' If the requested row coordinate is larger than the RowCount 
        ' or the column coordinate is larger than the ColumnCount.
        ' -- OR --
        ' If either of the requested row or column coordinates 
        ' is less than zero.
        ' TO DO: error handling.
    End Try

    ' Further event processing can be done at this point.
    ' For the purposes of this sample we can just record item properties.
    Dim controlType As String = _
    Dim columnHeaders As AutomationElement() = _
    Dim rowHeaders As AutomationElement() = _
    Dim itemRow As Integer = tableItemPattern.Current.Row
    Dim itemColumn As Integer = tableItemPattern.Current.Column
    Dim itemRowSpan As Integer = tableItemPattern.Current.RowSpan
    Dim itemColumnSpan As Integer = tableItemPattern.Current.ColumnSpan

End Sub 'OnTableItemFocusChange

''' <summary>
''' Handles the application shutdown.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="args">Event arguments.</param>
Protected Overrides Sub OnExit(ByVal args As System.Windows.ExitEventArgs)

End Sub 'OnExit
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Starts the target application and returns the AutomationElement 
/// obtained from the targets window handle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exe">
/// The target application.
/// </param>
/// <param name="filename">
/// The text file to be opened in the target application
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// An AutomationElement representing the target application.
/// </returns>
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------
private AutomationElement StartTarget(string exe, string filename)
    // Start text editor and load with a text file.
    Process p = Process.Start(exe, filename);

    // targetApp --> the root AutomationElement
    AutomationElement targetApp =

    return targetApp;


/// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Obtain the table control of interest from the target application.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetApp">
/// The target application.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// An AutomationElement representing a table control.
/// </returns>
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------
private AutomationElement GetTableElement(AutomationElement targetApp)
    // The control type we're looking for; in this case 'Document'
    PropertyCondition cond1 =
        new PropertyCondition(

    // The control pattern of interest; in this case 'TextPattern'.
    PropertyCondition cond2 =
        new PropertyCondition(

    AndCondition tableCondition = new AndCondition(cond1, cond2);

    AutomationElement targetTableElement =
        targetApp.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, tableCondition);

    // If targetTableElement is null then a suitable table control 
    // was not found.
    return targetTableElement;


/// <summary>
/// Obtains a TableItemPattern control pattern from an 
/// AutomationElement.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetControl">
/// The AutomationElement of interest.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A TableItemPattern object.
/// </returns>
private TableItemPattern GetTableItemPattern(
    AutomationElement targetControl)
    TableItemPattern tableItemPattern = null;

        tableItemPattern =
            as TableItemPattern;
    // Object doesn't support the 
    // TableItemPattern control pattern
    catch (InvalidOperationException)
        return null;

    return tableItemPattern;


/// <summary>
/// Obtains a TablePattern control pattern from an 
/// AutomationElement.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetControl">
/// The AutomationElement of interest.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A TablePattern object.
/// </returns>
private TablePattern GetTablePattern(
    AutomationElement targetControl)
    TablePattern tablePattern = null;

        tablePattern =
            as TablePattern;
    // Object doesn't support the 
    // TablePattern control pattern
    catch (InvalidOperationException)
        return null;

    return tablePattern;


/// <summary>
/// Set up table item event listeners.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The event listener is essentially a focus change listener.
/// Since this is a global desktop listener, a filter would be required 
/// to ignore focus change events outside the table.
/// </remarks>
private void SetTableItemEventListeners()
    AutomationFocusChangedEventHandler tableItemFocusChangedListener =
        new AutomationFocusChangedEventHandler(OnTableItemFocusChange);


/// <summary>
/// Event handler for table item focus change.
/// Can be used to track traversal of individual table items 
/// within a table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="src">Object that raised the event.</param>
/// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
private void OnTableItemFocusChange(
    object src, AutomationFocusChangedEventArgs e)
    // Make sure the element still exists. Elements such as tooltips
    // can disappear before the event is processed.
    AutomationElement sourceElement;
        sourceElement = src as AutomationElement;
    catch (ElementNotAvailableException)

    // Get a TableItemPattern from the source of the event.
    TableItemPattern tableItemPattern =

    if (tableItemPattern == null)

    // Get a TablePattern from the container of the current element.
    TablePattern tablePattern =

    if (tablePattern == null)

    AutomationElement tableItem = null;
        tableItem = tablePattern.GetItem(
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
        // If the requested row coordinate is larger than the RowCount 
        // or the column coordinate is larger than the ColumnCount.
        // -- OR --
        // If either of the requested row or column coordinates 
        // is less than zero.
        // TO DO: error handling.

    // Further event processing can be done at this point.
    // For the purposes of this sample we can just record item properties.
    string controlType = 
    AutomationElement[] columnHeaders = 
    AutomationElement[] rowHeaders = 
    int itemRow = tableItemPattern.Current.Row;
    int itemColumn = tableItemPattern.Current.Column;
    int itemRowSpan = tableItemPattern.Current.RowSpan;
    int itemColumnSpan = tableItemPattern.Current.ColumnSpan;

/// <summary>
/// Handles the application shutdown.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">Event arguments.</param>
protected override void OnExit(System.Windows.ExitEventArgs args)



UI 自动化控件模式概述

客户端的 UI 自动化控件模式

实现 UI 自动化 Table 控件模式

实现 UI 自动化 TableItem 控件模式

实现 UI 自动化 Grid 控件模式

实现 UI 自动化 GridItem 控件模式