
Retrieves the text of a list view item or subitem.

int GetItemText(
   int nItem,
   int nSubItem,
   LPTSTR lpszText,
   int nLen 
) const;
CString GetItemText(
   int nItem,
   int nSubItem 
) const;


  • nItem
    The index of the item whose text is to be retrieved.

  • nSubItem
    Specifies the subitem whose text is to be retrieved.

  • lpszText
    Pointer to a string that is to receive the item text.

  • nLen
    Length of the buffer pointed to by lpszText.

Return Value

The version returning int returns the length of the retrieved string.

The version returning a CString returns the item text.


If nSubItem is zero, this function retrieves the item label; if nSubItem is nonzero, it retrieves the text of the subitem. For more information on the subitem argument, see the discussion of the LVITEM structure in the Windows SDK.


Header: afxcmn.h

See Also


CListCtrl Class

CListCtrl Members

Hierarchy Chart
