如何:使用 COM+ 的 BYOT(带来您自己的事务)功能


下面的过程和示例说明从 ServicedComponent 类派生的类如何使用 COM+ 的 BYOT 功能来访问分布式事务处理协调器 (DTC)。有关从 System.EnterpriseServices 命名空间内使用 BYOT 功能的详细信息,请参阅 BYOT(带来您自己的事务)


  1. 定义从 ServicedComponent 类派生的类,并公开返回当前 COM+ DTC 事务对象的公共属性。例如,在下面的代码中,类 Base 继承 ServicedComponent 类,并且具有一个公共属性,该属性为当前 COM+ DTC 事务(ContextUtil.Transaction 对象在该事务中被实例化)返回 ContextUtil.Transaction 对象。

    Imports System.EnterpriseServices
    Public Class Base 
          Inherits ServicedComponent
          Public Readonly Property Transaction() as Object
                Return ContextUtil.Transaction
            End Get
          End Property
    End Class
    using System.EnterpriseServices;
    public class Base : ServicedComponent
        public Object Transaction 
            get { return ContextUtil.Transaction; } 
  2. 创建两个从在步骤 1 中定义的类派生的类,并为这两个类设置事务属性。例如,下面的代码声明了两个从类 Base 派生的类,CTransaction1CTransaction2,并设置了它们的事务属性。

    <Transaction()> Public Class CTransaction1 
    Inherits Base
    ' Insert your transaction logic here.
    End Class
    <Transaction()> Public Class CTransaction2 
    Inherits Base
    ' Insert your transaction logic here.
    End Class
    public class CTransaction1 : Base 
          // Insert your transaction logic here.
    public class CTransaction2 : Base 
          // Insert your transaction logic here.
  3. 创建一个使用在步骤 2 中创建的类的客户端应用程序,以便测试 BYOT 功能。

    1. 创建在步骤 2 中定义的其中一个类的实例。例如,下面的代码创建 CTransaction1 类的实例。

      Class BYOTDemonstration
          Public Shared Sub Main()
              Dim tx1 as New CTransaction1
          End Sub
      End Class
      class BYOTDemonstration
          static void Main()
              CTransaction1 tx1 = new CTransaction1();
    2. 从在步骤 3.a 中创建的对象检索当前 COM+ DTC 事务。例如,下面的代码从 CTransaction1 类的公共属性 Transaction 检索事务对象。

      Dim tx as Object = tx1.Transaction
      Object tx = tx1.Transaction;
    3. 通过使用在步骤 3.b 中检索到的事务对象,创建在步骤 2 中定义的另一个类的实例。例如,下面的代码通过使用在步骤 3.b 中检索到的事务对象创建类 CTransaction2 的实例。

      Dim tx2 as CTransaction2 = ctype(BYOT.CreateWithTransaction(tx, _ gettype(CTransaction2)),CTransaction2)
      CTransaction2 tx2 = (CTransaction2)BYOT.CreateWithTransaction(tx, 
    4. 生成强密钥并编译示例,如下所示:

      sn –k BYOTDemo.snk
      vbc /r:System.EnterpriseServices.dll BYOTDemo.vb
      sn –k BYOTDemo.snk


Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.EnterpriseServices

<assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("BYOTDemo.snk")>

Public Class Base 
      Inherits ServicedComponent
      Public Readonly Property Transaction() as Object
            Return ContextUtil.Transaction
        End Get
      End Property
End Class

<Transaction()> Public Class CTransaction1 
Inherits Base
' Insert your transaction logic here.
End Class

<Transaction()> Public Class CTransaction2 
Inherits Base
' Insert your transaction logic here.
End Class

Class BYOTDemonstration
      Public Shared Sub Main()
            ' Create a transactional object, and then get its
            ' transaction.
            Dim tx1 as New CTransaction1
            Console.WriteLine("Created transaction1.")
            Dim tx as Object = tx1.Transaction
            Console.WriteLine("Got the transaction of transaction1.")       
            Dim tx2 as CTransaction2 = ctype(BYOT.CreateWithTransaction(tx, _ gettype(CTransaction2)),CTransaction2)
            Console.WriteLine("Created transaction2 with the _
            transaction of transaction1.")
            End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.EnterpriseServices;

[assembly: AssemblyKeyFileAttribute("byotdemo.snk")]

public class Base : ServicedComponent
    public Object Transaction 
        get { return ContextUtil.Transaction; } 

public class CTransaction1 : Base 
      // Insert your transaction logic here.

public class CTransaction2 : Base 
      // Insert your transaction logic here.

class BYOTDemonstration
      static void Main()
            /* Create a transactional object, and then get its
                  transaction. */
              CTransaction1 tx1 = new CTransaction1();
            Console.WriteLine("Created transaction1.");
              Object tx = tx1.Transaction;
            Console.WriteLine("Got the transaction of transaction1.");        
              CTransaction2 tx2 = (CTransaction2)BYOT.CreateWithTransaction(tx, typeof(CTransaction2));
            Console.WriteLine("Created transaction2 using the transaction of transaction1.");



System.EnterpriseServices Namespace


可用的 COM+ 服务摘要

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