如何:使用 DocumentList 控件

更新:2007 年 11 月

如果您的应用程序是基于文件处理的,则可以使用 DocumentList 控件来显示 My Documents 文件夹中的文件夹和文件的自定义列表。这与 Microsoft Pocket Word 和 Microsoft Pocket Excel 的运行方式相似。该控件为用户提供下面的功能:

  • 选择、删除、复制、移动和重命名文件及文件夹。

  • 根据文件名、日期或大小进行排序。

  • 将文件作为电子邮件的附件发送。

  • 通过与另一设备的红外连接发送文件。

实现 DocumentList 控件

  1. 使用 DocumentList 创建一个 Pocket PC Windows 应用程序。

  2. 使用 Filter 属性指定可以访问的文件类型。

  3. 使用 FilterIndex 属性指定最初显示的文件。

  4. 使用 SelectedDirectory 属性指定一个默认文件夹。

  5. 提供代码以处理 DocumentActivated 事件。

  6. 提供代码以处理 DeletingDocument 事件。

  7. 提供代码以处理 SelectedDirectoryChanged 事件。


此示例将 DocumentList 控件的 Parent 属性设置为窗体,使其占用该窗体的整个工作区。如果要使该控件占用较小的区域,则可以将其放置在一个 Panel 中,并指定长度。DocumentList 的宽度应为窗体的宽度。

 ' Set up file extension filters for a
 ' DocumentList and set the initial folder
 ' to the Busines folder under My Documents.
 Sub SetupDocList()

     ' Assumes an instance of DocumentList,
     ' documentList1, has been declared.
     With DocumentList1
         .Parent = Me
         .Filter = " |*.*| |*.txt;*.xml| |*.pwi;*.pdt| " & _
             "|*.pxl;*.psw| |*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp| |*.wav;*.wmv;*.mpg;"
         .FilterIndex = 0
         .SelectedDirectory = "Business"
     End With

 End Sub

' Handle the DocumentedActivated
' event with code to open the file.
 Private Sub DocList_DocumentActivated(ByVal sender As Object, _
     ByVal docevent As Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.DocumentListEventArgs) _
     Handles DocumentList1.DocumentActivated

     StatusBar1.Text = "Activated: " & docevent.Path
 ' Add code to open the selected file.

 End Sub

 ' Handle the DeletingDocument 
 ' event with code to close the file.
 Private Sub DocList_DeletingDocument(ByVal sender As Object, _
     ByVal docevent As Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.DocumentListEventArgs) _
     Handles DocumentList1.DeletingDocument

     StatusBar1.Text = "Deleted: " & docevent.Path
     ' Add code to close any instances of the file.

 End Sub

 ' Handle the SelectedDirectoryChanged
 ' event with code that sets the correct
 ' path for opening and closing files.
 Private Sub DocList_SelectedDirectoryChanged( _
     ByVal sender As Object,  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
     Handles DocumentList1.SelectedDirectoryChanged

     StatusBar1.Text = "Folder: " & DocumentList1.SelectedDirectory
     ' Add code to access the selected folder to open and close files.    

 End Sub
// Set up file extension filters for a
// DocumentList and set the initial folder
// to the Busines folder under My Documents.
 private void SetupDocList()

     // Assumes an instance of DocumentList,
     // documentList1, has been declared.
     documentList1.Parent = this;

     // Create event handlers for DocumentList events.
     documentList1.DocumentActivated +=
         new DocumentListEventHandler(this.OnDocActivated);

     documentList1.SelectedDirectoryChanged +=
         new EventHandler(this.OnFolderSel);

     documentList1.DeletingDocument +=
         new DocumentListEventHandler(this.OnDelDoc);

     documentList1.Filter = " |*.*| |*.txt;*.xml| |*.pwi;*.pdt| " +
         "|*.pxl;*.psw| |*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp| |*.wav;*.wmv;*.mpg;";
     documentList1.FilterIndex = 0;
     documentList1.SelectedDirectory = "Business";

 private void OnDelDoc(object obj, DocumentListEventArgs DocArgs)
     statusBar1.Text += "Deleted: " + DocArgs.Path;

     // Add code to close any instances of the file.

 private void OnDocActivated(object obj, DocumentListEventArgs DocArgs)
     statusBar1.Text = "Activated: " + DocArgs.Path;

     // Add code to open the selected file.
 private void OnFolderSel(object obj, EventArgs eventg)
     statusBar1.Text = "Folder: " + documentList1.SelectedDirectory;

     // Add code to access the selected folder to open and close files.







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