TextPane2.StartPoint 属性

获取表示窗格显示的第一个字符的 TextPoint 对象。

命名空间:  EnvDTE80
程序集:  EnvDTE80(在 EnvDTE80.dll 中)


ReadOnly Property StartPoint As TextPoint
TextPoint StartPoint { get; }
property TextPoint^ StartPoint {
    TextPoint^ get ();
abstract StartPoint : TextPoint
function get StartPoint () : TextPoint


一个 TextPoint 对象。




此示例打开一个文本文档,然后使用文本窗格的 StartPoint 属性,在消息框中显示有关文本窗格内文本起点和终点的信息。 有关如何作为外接程序运行此示例的更多信息,请参见 如何:编译和运行自动化对象模型代码示例

Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _
 ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
 ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
    _applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
    _addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Sub TextPane2HeightExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)
    Dim objTW As TextWindow
    Dim objPane As TextPane2
    Dim objStart As TextPoint
    Dim objTextDoc As TextDocument
    Dim objTextPt As TextPoint
    Dim objEP As EditPoint
    ' Create a new text document.
    _applicationObject.ItemOperations.NewFile("General\Text File")
    ' Get a handle to the new document and create EditPoint,
    ' TextPoint, and TextPane objects.
    objTextDoc = CType(_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Object _
     ("TextDocument"), TextDocument)
    objEP = objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint
    objTextPt = objTextDoc.StartPoint
    ' Plug in some text.
    objEP.Insert("A test sentence.")
    objTW = CType(dte.ActiveWindow.Object, TextWindow)
    objPane = CType(objTW.ActivePane, TextPane2)
    MsgBox("The active pane is " & Str(objPane.Height)  _
    & " lines high and " & Str(objPane.Width) & " columns wide.")
    objStart = objPane.StartPoint
        MsgBox("It begins at line " & Str(objStart.Line)  _
    & ", column " & Str(objStart.LineCharOffset) & ".")
End Sub
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public void OnConnection(object application, 
ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    _applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
    _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
public void TextPane2HeightExample(DTE2 dte)
    TextWindow objTW;
    TextPane2 objPane;
    TextDocument objTextDoc;
    TextPoint objTextPt;
    EditPoint2 objEP;
    TextPoint objStart;
    // Create a new text document.
    _applicationObject.ItemOperations.NewFile(@"General\Text File",
 "test.txt", Constants.vsViewKindTextView);
    // Get a handle to the text document and create EditPoint2,
    // TextPoint, and TextPane2 objects.
    objTextDoc =(TextDocument)_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Object
    objEP = (EditPoint2)objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint();
    objTextPt = objTextDoc.StartPoint;
    // Plug in some text.
    objEP.Insert("A test sentence.");
    objTW = (TextWindow)_applicationObject.ActiveWindow.Object;
    objPane = (TextPane2)objTW.ActivePane;
    MessageBox.Show("The active pane is " + objPane.Height.ToString() 
+ " lines high and " + objPane.Width.ToString() + " columns wide.");
    objStart = objPane.StartPoint;
    MessageBox.Show("It begins at line " + objStart.Line.ToString() 
+ ", column " + objStart.LineCharOffset.ToString() + ".");

.NET Framework 安全性



TextPane2 接口

StartPoint 重载

EnvDTE80 命名空间