
Retrieves a list of the code paths for a given position in a source file.

HRESULT EnumCodePaths( 
   LPCOLESTR            pszHint,
   IDebugCodeContext2*  pStart,
   IDebugStackFrame2*   pFrame,
   BOOL                 fSource,
   IEnumCodePaths2**    ppEnum,
   IDebugCodeContext2** ppSafety
int EnumCodePaths( 
   string                 pszHint,
   IDebugCodeContext2     pStart,
   IDebugStackFrame2      pFrame,
   Int                    fSource,
   out IEnumCodePaths2    ppEnum,
   out IDebugCodeContext2 ppSafety


  • pszHint
    [in] The word under the cursor in the Source or Disassembly view in the IDE.

  • pStart
    [in] An IDebugCodeContext2 object representing the current code context.

  • pFrame
    [in] An IDebugStackFrame2 object representing the stack frame associated with the current breakpoint.

  • fSource
    [in] Nonzero (TRUE) if in the Source view, or zero (FALSE) if in the Disassembly view.

  • ppEnum
    [out] Returns an IEnumCodePaths2 object containing a list of the code paths.

  • ppSafety
    [out] Returns an IDebugCodeContext2 object representing an additional code context to be set as a breakpoint in case the chosen code path is skipped. This can happen in the case of a short-circuited Boolean expression, for example.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


A code path describes the name of a method or function that was called to get to the current point in the execution of the program. A list of code paths represents the call stack.

See Also




