Browse and Select a .NET Type Dialog Box (Legacy)

This topic describes how use the Browse and Select a .NET Type dialog box in the legacy Windows 工作流设计器. Use the legacy 工作流设计器 when you need to target either the .NET Framework 3.5 版 or the .NET Framework 3.0.

In the Properties window, when you select properties that take a .NET Framework type in a referenced assembly, an ellipses […] appears at the end of the property's text box. Clicking the […] opens the Browse and Select a .NET Type dialog box. In this dialog box, you can pick a type from a tree view of the referenced assemblies. For example, when you are using the Activity Designer, in the Properties window, click the Base Class ellipses […] to select another base class for an activity from the Referenced Assemblies tree.

The following table describes the user interface (UI) elements of the Browse and Select a .NET Type dialog box.

UI Element Description

Type Name:

The name of the currently selected type.


Left pane displays a tree view of the Referenced Assemblies. Right pane displays the types available for the selection from the Referenced Assembly selected in the left pane.



Using the Legacy Activity Designer