How to: Create a PolicyActivity Rule Set (Legacy)

This topic describes how to create a policy activity rule set using the legacy Windows 工作流设计器 that targets the .NET Framework 3.5 版 or the .NET Framework 3.0.

After you have dragged a Policy activity item from the Toolbox to the workflow design surface, you will want to select an existing rule or create a new rule set for the PolicyActivity activity. You select an existing rule set by using the Select Rule Set Dialog Box (Legacy) and you create rule sets by using the Rule Set Editor Dialog Box (Legacy).

You can open the Rule Set Editor Dialog Box (Legacy) dialog box directly by double-clicking on a PolicyActivity activity that is on the workflow design surface.

To select or create a rule set for a PolicyActivity activity

  1. Right-click the PolicyActivity, and then click Properties to open the Properties window.

  2. Click the RuleSetReference property.

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. In the Rule Set Editor Dialog Box (Legacy), click Add Rule to add a new rule to the rule set.

  5. Enter the Name, Priority, and Reevaluation properties, or keep the default values.

  6. Enter the text for the Condition.

  7. Enter the text for the Then Actions and the Else Actions.

  8. Click Add Rule again to add another rule.

  9. When you are finished, click OK.



Select Rule Set Dialog Box (Legacy)
Rule Set Editor Dialog Box (Legacy)


Legacy Workflow Activities


Using the Policy Activity