
Enables direct editing of the tab labels by the user.

virtual void EnableInPlaceEdit(
   BOOL bEnable 
) = 0;


  • [in] bEnable
    A Boolean parameter that specifies whether to enable direct editing of the tab labels.


By default, direct editing of the tab labels is disabled for tab controls.

You can enable direct editing for a subset of the tabs on the tab control. To do this, override the method CMFCBaseTabCtrl::StartRenameTab. StartRenameTab should return a nonzero value for all tabs that support direct editing of tab labels.

In the CMFCBaseTabCtrl Class, this method is a pure virtual function and has no implementation. If you derive a class from CMFCBaseTabCtrl, you must implement this function.


Header: afxbasetabctrl.h

See Also


CMFCBaseTabCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart