
Constructs a CMFCFontInfo object.

   LPCTSTR lpszName,
   LPCTSTR lpszScript,
   BYTE nCharSet,
   BYTE nPitchAndFamily,
   int nType 
   const CMFCFontInfo& src 


  • [in] lpszName
    The name of the font. For more information, see the lfFaceName member of the LOGFONT structure.

  • [in] lpszScript
    The name of the script (character set) of the font.

  • [in] nCharSet
    A value that specifies the character set (script) of the font. For more information, see the lfCharSet member of the LOGFONT structure.

  • [in] nPitchAndFamily
    A value that specifies the pitch and family of the font. For more information, see the lfPitchAndFamily member of the LOGFONT structure.

  • [in] nType
    A value that specifies the font type. This parameter can be a bitwise combination (OR) of DEVICE_FONTTYPE, RASTER_FONTTYPE, and TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE.

  • [in] src
    An existing CMFCFontInfo object whose members are used to construct this CMFCFontInfo object.


This documentation uses the terms character set and script interchangeably. A script, which is also known as a writing system, is a collection of characters and rules for writing those characters in one or more languages. The collection of characters includes the alphabet and punctuation used in that script. For example, Latin script is used for English as it is spoken in the United States, and its alphabet includes the characters from A through Z. The lfCharSet member of the LOGFONT structure specifies a character set. For example, the value ANSI_CHARSET specifies the ANSI character set, which includes the alphabet of the Latin script.


Header: afxtoolbarfontcombobox.h

See Also


CMFCFontInfo Class

Hierarchy Chart