cref 特性(C# 编程指南)

更新:2010 年 6 月

XML 文档标记中的 cref 特性表示“代码引用”。它指定标记的内部文本是代码元素,如类型、方法或属性。 诸如 Sandcastle 这样的文档工具使用 cref 特性,自动生成指向所记录类型或成员的页面的超链接。


以下示例显示用在 <see> 标记中的 cref 属性。

// Save this file as CRefTest.cs
// Compile with: csc CRefTest.cs /doc:Results.xml 

namespace TestNamespace
    /// <summary>
    /// TestClass contains two cref examples.
    /// </summary>
    public class TestClass
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetZero method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example> 
        /// This sample shows how to call the <see cref="GetZero"/> method.
        /// <code>
        /// class TestClass 
        /// {
        ///     static int Main() 
        ///     {
        ///         return GetZero();
        ///     }
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static int GetZero()
            return 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// The GetGenericValue method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks> 
        /// This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="GetGenericValue"/> method as a cref attribute.
        /// </remarks>

        public static T GetGenericValue<T>(T para)
            return para;

        static int Main()
            return GetZero();

    /// <summary>
    /// GenericClass.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks> 
    /// This example shows how to specify the <see cref="GenericClass{T}"/> type as a cref attribute.
    /// </remarks>
    class GenericClass<T>
        // Fields and members.

程序编译时,产生以下 XML 文件。 例如,请注意,GetZero 的 cref 特性已由编译器转换为 "M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetZero"。 “M:”前缀表示“方法”,这是 Sandcastle 等文档工具可识别的约定。 有关前缀的完整列表,请参见处理 XML 文件(C# 编程指南)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:TestNamespace.TestClass">
            TestClass contains cref examples.
        <member name="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.#ctor">
            This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="T:TestNamespace.TestClass"/> constructor as a cref attribute. 
        <member name="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.#ctor(System.Int32)">
            This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.#ctor(System.Int32)"/> constructor as a cref attribute. 
        <member name="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetZero">
            The GetZero method.
            This sample shows how to call the <see cref="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetZero"/> method.
            class TestClass 
                static int Main() 
                    return GetZero();
        <member name="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetGenericValue``1(``0)">
            The GetGenericValue method.
            This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetGenericValue``1(``0)"/> method as a cref attribute.
        <member name="T:TestNamespace.GenericClass`1">
            This example shows how to specify the <see cref="T:TestNamespace.GenericClass`1"/> type as a cref attribute.
    </members>    <members>
        <member name="T:TestNamespace.TestClass">
            TestClass contains two cref examples.
        <member name="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetZero">
            The GetZero method.
            <example> This sample shows how to call the <see cref="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetZero"/> method.
            class TestClass 
                static int Main() 
                    return GetZero();
        <member name="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetGenericValue``1(``0)">
            The GetGenericValue method.
            This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="M:TestNamespace.TestClass.GetGenericValue``1(``0)"/> method as a cref attribute.
        <member name="T:TestNamespace.GenericClass`1">
            This example shows how to specify the <see cref="T:TestNamespace.GenericClass`1"/> type as a cref attribute.



XML 文档注释(C# 编程指南)

建议的文档注释标记(C# 编程指南)





2010 年 6 月

