
Creates a locale, or a copy of a locale, or a copy of locale where a facet or a category has been replaced by a facet or category from another locale.

locale( );
explicit locale(
    const char* _Locname,
    category _Cat = all
explicit locale(
    const string& _Locname
    const locale& _Loc
    const locale& _Loc, 
    const locale& _Other,
    category _Cat
    const locale& _Loc, 
    const char* _Locname,
    category _Cat
template<class Facet>
        const locale& _Loc, 
        const Facet* _Fac


  • _Locname
    Name of a locale.

  • _Loc
    A locale that is to be copied in constructing the new locale.

  • _Other
    A locale from which to select a category.

  • _Cat
    The category to be substituted into the constructed locale.

  • _Fac
    The facet to be substituted into the constructed locale.


The first constructor initializes the object to match the global locale. The second and third constructors initialize all the locale categories to have behavior consistent with the locale name _Locname. The remaining constructors copy _Loc, with the exceptions noted:

locale(const locale& _Loc, const locale& _Other, category _Cat);

replaces from _Other those facets corresponding to a category C for which C & _Cat is nonzero.

locale(const locale& _Loc, const char* _Locname, category _Cat);

locale(const locale& _Loc, const string& _Locname, category _Cat);

replaces from locale(_Locname, _All) those facets corresponding to a category C for which C & _Catis nonzero.

template<class Facet> locale(const locale& _Loc, Facet* _Fac);

replaces in (or adds to) _Loc the facet _Fac, if _Fac is not a null pointer.

If a locale name _Locname is a null pointer or otherwise invalid, the function throws runtime_error.


// locale_locale.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
#include <tchar.h>
using namespace std;

int main( ) {
   // Second constructor
   locale loc ( "German_germany" );
   _TCHAR * s1 = _T("Das ist wei\x00dfzz."); // \x00df is the German sharp-s, it comes before z in the German alphabet
   _TCHAR * s2 = _T("Das ist weizzz.");
   int result1 = use_facet<collate<_TCHAR> > ( loc ).
      compare (s1, &s1[_tcslen( s1 )-1 ],  s2, &s2[_tcslen( s2 )-1 ] );
   cout << isalpha (_T ( '\x00df' ), loc ) << result1 << endl;

   // The first (default) constructor
   locale loc2;
   int result2 = use_facet<collate<_TCHAR> > ( loc2 ).
      compare (s1, &s1[_tcslen( s1 )-1 ],  s2, &s2[_tcslen( s2 )-1 ] );
   cout << isalpha (_T ( '\x00df' ), loc2 )  << result2 << endl;

   // Third constructor
   locale loc3 (loc2,loc, _M_COLLATE );
   int result3 = use_facet<collate<_TCHAR> > ( loc3 ).
      compare (s1, &s1[_tcslen( s1 )-1 ],  s2, &s2[_tcslen( s2 )-1 ] );
   cout << isalpha (_T ( '\x00df' ), loc3 ) << result3 << endl;

   // Fourth constructor
   locale loc4 (loc2, "German_Germany", _M_COLLATE );
   int result4 = use_facet<collate<_TCHAR> > ( loc4 ).
      compare (s1, &s1[_tcslen( s1 )-1 ],  s2, &s2[_tcslen( s2 )-1 ] );
   cout << isalpha (_T ( '\x00df' ), loc4 ) << result4 << endl;

Sample Output



Header: <locale>

Namespace: std

See Also


locale Class