expm1 Function

Calculates the base-e exponential of the argument, minus 1

inline float expm1(
   float exponent
) restrict(amp);

inline double expm1(
   double exponent
) restrict(amp);


  • exponent
    The exponential term n of the mathematical expression en, where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

Return Value

Returns the base-e exponential of the argument, minus 1


The result of the function call expm1(n) is the same as the result of the expression exp(n) – 1.0f if n is a single-precision floating-point number, or the expression exp(n) – 1.0 if n is a double-precision floating-point number.


Header: amp_math.h

Namespace: Concurrency::precise_math

See Also


Concurrency::precise_math Namespace