Designing Add-ins
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Before you create an add-in, you should consider the following design issues:
What tasks will the add-in perform?
Could you use a VBScript macro to perform these tasks?
You can write a macro more quickly and easily than you can write an add-in. Before you begin, carefully consider the differences between macros and add-ins.
What commands will the add-in use to perform its tasks?
Which Developer Studio objects will you reference in the add-in's commands?
Which Developer Studio methods and properties will you use in the add-in's commands?
How many add-ins will you need?
If you need several, you can combine them in the same DLL.
Will the add-in display windows or dialog boxes?
An add-in can display modal windows or dialog boxes; however, it cannot display modeless windows or dialog boxes. For details, see the EnableModeless method.
Will the add-in handle events?
An add-in can handle events fired by Developer Studio objects. Additionally, an add-in can display a dialog box containing ActiveX controls that fire events in the add-in. The controls' container (the dialog box or add-in) can handle the events.
Will the add-in control another application?
An add-in can control another executable file (.EXE) by serving as an out-of-process controller for the other application.
Will the add-in have more than one thread?
If you create a multithreaded add-in, the results are unpredictable. An add-in can have multiple threads if none of them has a message pump and only one thread accesses the Developer Studio object model.
Will the add-in carry out another add-in's commands?
Will the add-in have a Help file?
Visual C++ cannot display a Help file created for an add-in. The add-in must expose a dedicated command to display a Help file.
Tip To get some ideas for add-ins, look at the sample add-ins.