Macros for Custom Build Commands
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You can use the File and Directory drop-down lists to insert any of the following directory and filename macros in either grid at the current insertion point location. The File and Directory drop-down lists are on the Custom Build tab of the Project Settings dialog box (the Settings command on the Build menu).
Label | Macro | Description |
Intermediate | $(IntDir) | Path to the directory specified for intermediate files, relative to the project directory. |
Output | $(OutDir) | Path to the directory specified for output files, relative to the project directory. |
Target | $(TargetDir) | Fully qualified path to the directory specified to output files. |
Input | $(InputDir) | Relative path to the project directory. |
Project | $(ProjDir) | Fully qualified path to the project directory. |
Workspace | $(WkspDir) | Fully qualified path to the project directory. |
Microsoft Developer | $(MSDevDir) | Fully qualified path to the installation directory for Microsoft Visual C++. |
Remote Target | $(RemoteDir) | Fully qualified path to the remote output file. |
Target Path | $(TargetPath) | Fully qualified name for the project output file. |
Target Name | $(TargetName) | Base name for the output file. |
Input Path | $(InputPath) | Fully qualified name for the input file. |
Input Name | $(InputName) | Base name for the input file. |
Workspace Name | $(WkspName) | Name of the project workspace. |
Remote Target Path | $(RemoteTargetPath) | Fully qualified name for the remote output file. |
During a build, the input macros are set in turn to each file that you have selected for each configuration that you have selected, if you have made multiple selections.