Corresponds to the hInstance parameter passed by Windows to WinMain. The m_hInstance data member is a handle to the current instance of the application running under Windows. This is returned by the global function AfxGetInstanceHandle. m_hInstance is a public variable of type HINSTANCE.
// Typically you do not need to pass the application's hInstance
// to Windows APIs directly because there are equivalent MFC
// member functions that pass the hInstance for you. The following
// example is not typical:
HCURSOR hCursor;
hCursor = ::LoadCursor(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,
// A more direct way to get the application's hInstance is to
// call AfxGetInstanceHandle:
hCursor = ::LoadCursor(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
// If you need the hInstance to load a resource, it is better
// to call AfxGetResourceHandle instead of AfxGetInstanceHandle:
hCursor = ::LoadCursor(AfxGetResourceHandle(),
// A better way to load the cursor resource is to call
// CWinApp::LoadCursor
hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadCursor(IDC_MYCURSOR);