void Print( CDC* pDC**, DWORD** dwFlags ) const;
A pointer to a device context.
Specifies the drawing options. This parameter can be one or more of these flags:
PRF_CHECKVISIBLE Draw the window only if it is visible.
PRF_CHILDREN Draw all visible children windows.
PRF_CLIENT Draw the client area of the window.
PRF_ERASEBKGND Erase the background before drawing the window.
PRF_NONCLIENT Draw the nonclient area of the window.
PRF_OWNED Draw all owned windows.
Call this member function to draw the current window in the specified device context, which is most commonly in a printer device context.
CWnd::DefWindowProc function processes this message based on which drawing option is specified:
If PRF_CHECKVISIBLE is specified and the window is not visible, do nothing.
If PRF_NONCLIENT is specified, draw the nonclient area in the given device context.
If PRF_PRINTCHILDREN is set, send each visible child window a message.
If PRF_OWNED is set, send each visible owned window a WM_PRINT message.