DAO: Where Is...
| Overview | How Do I | FAQ | Sample | | ODBC Driver List
This article will help you locate topics of interest in the MFC DAO documentation and in the DAO Help topics. This article is organized as follows:
DAO Overviews
DAO Objects
Information By Topic
Key DAO Help Topics
Documentation for the MFC DAO classes consists of two components:
MFC-specific: MFC classes in the Class Library Reference and MFC encyclopedia articles in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide . The articles all begin with the “DAO” prefix.
DAO-specific: Topics from the DAO Help files shipped with products such as Microsoft Office. These topics have been incorporated into the online documentation, but note that they are oriented toward the Basic programming language. They are included to provide DAO-specific details in areas where MFC neither modifies nor adds to DAO functionality.
DAO Overviews
For overviews and general information about MFC DAO, see:
DAO Objects
DAO consists of a number of objects. Here’s where to find information about each object type:
Where to find information about DAO objects
See Also DAO Database: Using Workspaces and Databases , DAO: Creating, Opening, and Closing DAO Objects , DAO: Accessing Implicit MFC DAO Objects , DAO External: Working with External Data Sources , DAO Queries , DAO Record Field Exchange (DFX)
To simplify locating the article(s) that discuss a particular topic area, use the following table:
Where to look for...
Action queries
DAO Querydef: Action Queries and SQL Pass-Through Queries
Adding records
DAO Recordset: Recordset Operations
Aggregate records
DAO Recordset: Using Aggregate SQL Functions with MFC DAO Classes
Application design options
DAO: Writing a Database Application
Attaching tables
DAO External: Working with External Data Sources
Buffering records
DAO Record Field Exchange: Double Buffering Records
Calling DAO directly
Can I Call DAO or ODBC Directly?
CDaoX Info structures
DAO Collections: Obtaining Information About DAO Objects
Closing DAO objects
DAO: Creating, Opening, and Closing DAO Objects
Collections in DAO
DAO Collections
Console applications and DAO
DAO: Database Application Design Options
Creating DAO objects
DAO: Creating, Opening, and Closing DAO Objects
DAO objects not mapped to classes
Should I Use DAO or ODBC?
Data definition language (DDL)
Database Definition and Manipulation
Database engine (Jet)
DAO Workspace: The Database Engine
Data types
DFX Data Types in DAO Record Field Exchange: Using the DFX Functions
DBMS targets
DAO: Writing a Database Application
What Data Sources Can You Access with DAO and ODBC?
Default workspace
DAO Workspace: Explicitly Opening the Default Workspace
Definition of DAO
What Are DAO and ODBC?
DLLs, DAO in
DAO: Database Application Design Options
DAO: Using DAO in DLLs
Document/view architecture
DAO: Writing a Database Application
More Information About the DAO and ODBC Classes
Double buffering records
DAO Record Field Exchange: Double Buffering Records
Engine initialization
DAO Workspace: The Database Engine
External data sources, list
DAO External: Working with External Data Sources
Filtering recordsets
DAO Queries: Filtering and Parameterizing Queries
DAO Recordset: Recordset Navigation
Record Views
How MFC encapsulates DAO
Installing DAO
Installing MFC Database Support
ISAM databases, list
Database Topics (DAO)
Jet database engine
DAO Workspace: The Database Engine
Multithreading and DAO
DAO: Database Application Design Options
Navigating in a recordset
DAO Recordset: Recordset Navigation
ODBC data sources
DAO External: Working with External Data Sources
ODBC drivers
ODBC Driver List
What Are DAO and ODBC?
Should I Use DAO or ODBC?
ActiveX controls, DAO in
DAO: Database Application Design Options
Opening DAO objects
DAO: Creating, Opening, and Closing DAO Objects
Parameterizing queries
DAO Queries: Filtering and Parameterizing Queries
Pass-through queries
DAO Querydef: Action Queries and SQL Pass-Through Queries
DAO External: Improving Performance with External Data Sources
Programming model
What Is the MFC Database Programming Model?
DAO Queries
DAO Querydef
Record Field Exchange (DFX)
DAO Record Field Exchange (DFX)
DAO Recordset
DAO Recordset: Recordset Navigation
DAO Recordset: Recordset Navigation
DAO Queries: SQL for DAO
DAO Tabledef
Task-oriented topics
DAO: Database Tasks
DAO Workspace: Managing Transactions
Updating data
DAO Recordset: Recordset Operations
Views of DAO data
DAO: Writing a Database Application
When to use database classes
When Should I Use the Database Classes?
Workspace, typical scenario
DAO Database: Using Workspaces and Databases
Writing a database application
DAO: Writing a Database Application
See Also DAO Database: Using Workspaces and Databases , DAO: Creating, Opening, and Closing DAO Objects , DAO: Accessing Implicit MFC DAO Objects , DAO External: Working with External Data Sources , DAO Queries , DAO Record Field Exchange (DFX) , Database Topics (DAO) , DAO and MFC
Key DAO Help Topics
The following topics are part of DAO Help and are not MFC-specific. To use them, you must open the DAO SDK help file, which is not part of the online documentation.
Data Access Object Hierarchy
Data Access Objects and Collections Reference
Using Data Access
Trappable Data Access Errors
Microsoft Jet Database Engine SQL Data Types
Microsoft Jet Database Engine SQL Reserved Words
Equivalent ANSI SQL Data Types
SQL Aggregate Functions