Step 6, Class and File Names
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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .
The MFC AppWizard creates macros to name classes and files by combining the prefixes listed in the table “Macro Prefixes” with any of the components listed in the table “Macro Components.” For example, the value of a combined macro DOC_CLASS will be the name of the application’s document class, typically, something like “CProjectDoc.” No single application will use all combinations.
Macro Prefixes
Macro Prefix | Description |
DOC | Refers to the application’s document class. |
APP | Refers to the application’s CWinApp-derived class. |
FRAME | Refers to the application’s main frame class (derived from CFrameWnd or CMDIFrameWnd). |
CHILD_FRAME | Refers to the application’s MDI child frame class (CMDIChildFrameWnd). |
VIEW | Refers to the application’s view class. |
DLG | Refers to the application’s main dialog class. Only used for a dialog-based application. |
DLGAUTOPROXY | Refers to the application’s Automation proxy class for the main dialog. Only used for dialog-based applications with Automation. |
RECSET | Refers to the application’s main recordset class. |
SRVRITEM | Refers to the application’s main server-item class (derived from CServerItem). |
CNTRITEM | Refers to the application’s main container-item class (derived from CContainerItem). |
IPFRAME | Refers to the application’s in-place frame class (derived from CIPFrameWnd). |
TREEVIEW_CLASS | The class name of the treeview for the Windows Explorer-style application. |
TREEVIEW_BASE_CLASS | The base class name of the treeview for the Windows Explorer-style application. |
TREEVIEW_IFILE | The class's implementation file name (minus extension) of the treeview for the Windows Explorer-style application. |
TREEVIEW_HFILE | The class's header file name (minus extension) of the treeview for the Windows Explorer-style application. |
WNDVIEW_CLASS | The class name of the view for the NODOCVIEW MFC application. |
WNDVIEW_BASE_CLASS | The base class name of the view for the NODOCVIEW MFC application. |
WNDVIEW_IFILE | The class's implementation file name (minus extension) of the view for the NODOCVIEW MFC application. |
WNDVIEW_HFILE | The class's header file name (minus extension) of the view for the NODOCVIEW MFC application. |
Macro Components
Macro Component | Description |
_CLASS | Class name. |
_BASE_CLASS | Base class name. |
_IFILE | Class implementation filename (without the extension). Both uppercase and lowercase versions of these macros are defined. If the macro name is uppercase (for example, APP_IFILE), its value will be uppercase (for example, PROJECT). If the macro name is lowercase (for example, app_ifile), its value will be lowercase (for example, project). |
_HFILE | Class header filename (without the extension). Both uppercase and lowercase versions of these macros are defined. If the macro name is uppercase (for example, APP_HFILE), its value will be uppercase (for example, PROJECT). If the macro name is lowercase (for example, app_hfile), its value will be lowercase (for example, project). |
Only one of the following macros is defined to indicate the main view's base class.
Macro | Type | Description |
CDaoRecordView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CdaoRecordView. Set if the user has selected a DAO database view with or without file support. |
CListView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CListView. |
CTreeView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CTreeView. |
CRichEditView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CRichEditView. |
CView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CView.. |
CFormView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CFormView. |
CScrollView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CScrollView. |
CEditView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CEditView. |
CRecordView | BOOL | If and only if the view derives from CRecordView. Set if user has selected an ODBC database view with or without file support. |
CHtmlView | BOOL | If and only if the view class is derived from CHtmlView. |
See Also Standard AppWizard Macros, The Dictionary, CCustomAppwiz::ProcessTemplate, CCustomAppwiz::PostProcessTemplate, How Macros Get Their Values