SetByEnableAccounting method of the PS_RemoteAccessAccounting class

This cmdlet does the following1. Enables inbox and Radius accounting (both external Radius and Windows accounting) and configures their settings2. Disables inbox and Radius accounting.


uint32 SetByEnableAccounting(
  [in]  string                 RadiusServer,
  [in]  string                 SharedSecret,
  [in]  uint16                 RadiusPort,
  [in]  uint8                  RadiusScore,
  [in]  uint32                 RadiusTimeout,
  [in]  string                 AccountingOnOffMsg,
  [in]  string                 EnableAccountingType,
  [in]  string                 ComputerName,
  [in]  boolean                PassThru,
  [out] RemoteAccessAccounting cmdletOutput


RadiusServer [in]

IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the external RADIUS server that is used for accounting. This parameter can be configured only if the EnableAccountingType parameter is specified to be ExternalRadius

SharedSecret [in]

Shared secret between the Remote Access server and the specified external RADIUS server which is required for successful communication between the two servers. Note that the secret is specified in clear text. This parameter can be configured only if the EnableAccountingType parameter is specified to be ExternalRadius

RadiusPort [in]

Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting authentication requests. Default is 1813. This parameter can be configured only if the EnableAccountingType parameter is specified to be ExternalRadius

RadiusScore [in]

Indicates the initial score. The default is 30. This parameter can be configured only if the EnableAccountingType parameter is specified to be ExternalRadius

RadiusTimeout [in]

The value is specified in seconds. Default is 5 secs. This parameter can be configured only if the EnableAccountingType parameter is specified to be ExternalRadius

AccountingOnOffMsg [in]

Indicates whether the sending of accounting on/off messages should be enabled or disabled. Can take one of the following values 1. Enabled 2. Disabled By default it is disabled

Enabled ("Enabled")

Disabled ("Disabled")

EnableAccountingType [in]

Indicates the accounting type that needs to be enabled. Can take one of the following values 1. Inbox 2. ExternalRadius. When inbox accounting is enabled the store size is set to 12 months automatically. The Set-RemoteAccessInboxAccountingStore cmdlet is used to change the store size on individual Remote Access servers. ExternalRadius type can also be used to enable Windows Accounting or Accounting on the NPS installed locally on the same machine, as described in the cmdlet description section

Inbox ("Inbox")

ExternalRadius ("ExternalRadius")

ComputerName [in]

IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the machine on which the remote access server machine specific tasks should be executed

PassThru [in]

Returns the object that represents the accounting configuration for Remote Access. By default this cmdlet does not generate any output

cmdletOutput [out]

  1. Status of inbox accounting (Enabled, Disabled) and store limit 2. Status of RADIUS accounting (Disable, Windows, ExternalRadius, LocalNps) and list of RADIUS servers if it is ExternalRadius


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also
