TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function queries the specified address on the specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities.



  • dwDeviceID
    Line device containing the address to be queried.
  • dwAddressID
    Address on the given line device whose capabilities are to be queried. An address identifier is permanently associated with an address; the identifier remains constant across operating system upgrades. This parameter is not validated by TAPI when this function is called.
  • dwTSPIVersion
    Version number of the Telephony SPI to be used. The high-order word contains the major version number; the low-order word contains the minor version number.
  • dwExtVersion
    Version number of the service-provider specific extensions to be used. This number is zero if no device-specific extensions are to be used. Otherwise, the high-order word contains the major version number; the low-order word contains the minor version number. This parameter is not validated by TAPI when this function is called.
  • lpAddressCaps
    Pointer to a variably sized structure of type LINEADDRESSCAPS. Upon successful completion of the request, this structure is filled with address capabilities information.

Return Values

Returns zero if the function succeeds or an error number if an error occurs. The following table shows the return values for this function.

Value Description
LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION The api version is incompatible.
LINEERR_NOMEM Not enough memory is available.
LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEEXTVERSION The extension version is incompatible.
LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL The operation is unavailable.
LINEERR_INVALADDRESSID The address id is invalid.
LINEERR_NODRIVER The driver cannot be found.
LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL The resource is unavailable.


The line device identifiers supported by a particular driver are numbered sequentially starting with the value of dwLineDeviceIDBase that is passed into the TSPI_providerInit function.

The service provider fills in all the members of the LINEADDRESSCAPS data structure, except for dwTotalSize, which is filled in by TAPI. The service provider must not overwrite the dwTotalSize member.

After the service provider returns from the TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps function, TAPI sets the dwCallInfoStates and dwCallStates members of the LINEADDRESSCAPS structure as follows.



OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Tapicomn.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also


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