Viewing Function Calls (Windows CE 5.0)

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During a debug session, the Call Stack window displays the stack of function calls that are currently active. When a function is called, it is pushed onto the stack. When the function returns, it is popped off the stack.

The Call Stack window displays the currently executing function at the top of the stack, with older function calls below that function.

By default, the window also displays parameter types and values for each function call.

You can display or hide parameter types and values by using the Debug tab in the Options dialog box or the shortcut menu. For more information, see Options Dialog Box: Debug Tab.

The Process list box in the Call Stack window contains a CURRENT selection, which displays the call stack of the current process and thread. If you choose CURRENT, the Call Stack window displays the call stack of the current process and thread. You can also select call stacks by specifying process and thread names.

You can navigate to the source code or disassembled object code for a function by double-clicking the function in the Call Stack window. If source code for the selected function is not available, the object code is displayed in the Disassembly window.

Navigating to a function's code changes how the view of the program is shown in the Variables window and other debugger windows, but does not change the context of the target, which is the next line of execution or the value that is stored in the program counter.

In This Section

Viewing the Call Stack for a Function

Changing Call Stack Window Options

Displaying the Call Stack of the Current Process and Thread

Refreshing the Contents of the Call Stack Window

Logging the Contents of the Call Stack Window

Automatically Logging the Contents of the Call Stack Window when the Debugger Steps

Going to a Specific Code Location

Viewing Breakpoint Information

Inserting a Breakpoint

Removing a Breakpoint

Enabling a Breakpoint

Disabling a Breakpoint

Running to a Specified Cursor Location

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