How the VAIL Creates the Media Manager (Windows CE 5.0)

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In this topic you learn how to register a custom media manager implementation so the VAIL creates an instance of the custom implementation during startup, instead of creating an instance of the reference media manager implementation.

To register a custom media manager implementation as the media manager implementation used by the VAIL, change the MediaManager registry value in the following registry key to contain the CLSID of your media manager object: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\254D6845-7CF1-4B90-A658-E4C430C3A7BE\Plugins.

Your object must implement the IVoIPMediaMgr interface.

The VoIP manager performs the following steps during initialization, in the implementation of IVoIPMgr2::InitializeEx:

  1. Opens the MediaManager registry value and retrieves the CLSID value of the media manager implementation.
  2. Uses CoCreateInstance and the CLSID retrieved in step 1 to create an instance of the media manager object.
  3. Retrieves an IVoIPMediaMgr interface from the object created in step 2 by calling IUnknown::QueryInterface with the parameter IID_IVoIPMediaMgr.
  4. Calls IVoIPMediaMgr::Initialize using the interface retrieved in step 3.

If any of these steps fail, IVoIPMgr2::InitializeEx fails and returns VOIP_E_NOMEDIAMGR.

The reference media manager used by default has CLSID 3A81E327-7929-4BEE-B6DF-23E7C1D5E67D. The reference media manager leaves the RTC Client API Catalog item's media stack enabled and uses RTC to do all RTP processing.

Windows CE includes a media manager that uses Broadcom BCM91101 hardware. If you have installed this BSP, you can view the registry entries that register the Broadcom media manager. To see these registry entries, examine the platform.reg file in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\BCM91101SP\Files.

See Also

VoIP Media Manager

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