RTC Client Object (Windows CE 5.0)

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The RTC Client object is the central object in the RTC object model.

There are two varieties of Client object: Client and Client2.

Client Object

The Client object was introduced in RTC 1.0 and is accessed using the IRTCClient interface. This interface does the following:

  • Sets the session types allowed
  • Sets session parameters such as preferred audio devices, volume, and media types

To access this object, use the IRTCClient interface. The IRTCClient interface enables creation of the Session object, explained in RTC Session Object, and exposes the IRTCClientPresence and IRTCClientProvisioning interfaces.

To create an RTC client object, call CoCreateInstance (or other COM object creation function) with the CLSID_RTCClient constant.

For a code example that shows how to create a Client object, see Initialize RTC.

Client2 Object

The Client2 object is part of RTC 1.2 and is accessed using the IRTCClient2 interface. This interface provides additional interfaces and methods that enable you to do the following:

  • Specify how incoming calls are treated for each session type
  • Determine the version of the RTC Client API in use

To create an RTC Client2 object, call IUnknown::QueryInterface on an IRTCClient reference.

See Also

RTC Client API Objects and Interfaces | RTC Client API Code Examples

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