Target Device Connectivity Options: Core Service Settings (Compact 2013)


You can configure settings for core services you want to run on the target device.

  • Target device
    The target device. Select from the list the device you want to configure.
  • Associated run-time image
    Path to the OS run-time image (read-only).
  • Download Image
    Select an option for downloading the OS image to the device. The following table shows the available options:




    Download the OS image to the device when the device is reset.

    Only if image changed

    Download the OS image to the device only if the timestamp on the image has changed from the last download.

    The assumption is that you download the same OS image to the same device during the current Platform Builder session.

    Only on initial download

    Download the OS image the first time you connect to the device for download.

    During subsequent reboots of the device, the OS image is not downloaded, even if it has been updated.

    Never (jump to image only)

    Jump to the OS image only on the device.

    No OS image is downloaded, because the assumption is that the image is already loaded on the device.

  • KITL Settings
    Select KITL options for the connection to the device. For more information about KITL, see Kernel Independent Transport Layer.

    The following table shows the available options:



    Enable KITL on device boot

    Boot the device in Active KITL mode. If the run-time image contains KITL, the device does not boot until the development computer is connected to the device. If this is not selected, the run-time image boots in passive KITL mode. You can switch to active KITL mode by causing an exception on the device.

    Clear memory on soft reset

    Vlear the contents of the device memory when the device undergoes a soft reset, either from Platform Builder, or from using the hardware itself. If this is not selected, the contents of the memory on the device, which can include files created or registry changes, are not cleared during a soft reset.

    If this option is not selected, preserving the contents of the memory requires support from OEM source code.

    Enable access to desktop files

    Select to enable Relfsd, which you use to load files in the flat release directory/ARD from the device. If this option is not selected, the files in the flat release directory/ARD are not accessible from the device.

    You must select this option to use remote tools.
  • Apply
    Apply your changes without closing the dialog box.
  • Close
    Close the dialog box without applying your changes.

See Also


Target Device Connectivity Options Dialog Box
Target Device Connectivity Options: Kernel Service Map
Target Device Connectivity Options: Service Status