OleCreate (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This function creates an embedded object identified by a CLSID. It is typically used to implement a menu item that allows the user to insert a new object.


  REFCLSID rclsid, 
  REFIID riid, 
  DWORD renderopt, 
  FORMATETC* pFormatEtc, 
  IOleClientSite* pClientSite, 
  IStorage* pStg, 
  void** ppvObject


  • rclsid
    [in] CLSID of the embedded object that is to be created.
  • riid
    [in] Reference to the identifier of the interface, usually IID_IOleObject (defined in the OLE headers as the interface identifier for IOleObject), through which the caller communicates with the new object.
  • renderopt
    [in] Value from the enumeration OLERENDER, indicating the locally cached drawing capabilities the newly created object is to have. The OLERENDER value chosen affects the possible values for the pFormatEtc parameter.
  • pFormatEtc
    [in] Depending on which OLERENDER flag is used as the value of renderopt, this is a pointer to an FORMATETC enumeration value. For restrictions, see the OLERENDER enumeration.

    This parameter, along with the renderopt parameter, specifies what the new object can cache initially.

  • pStg
    [in] Pointer to an instance of the IStorage interface on the storage object.

    This parameter cannot be NULL.

  • ppvObject
    [out] Pointer to the pointer variable that receives the interface pointer requested in riid.

    Upon successful return, *ppvObject contains the requested interface pointer.

Return Value

This function returns S_OK if the embedded object is created.

This function returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if it fails.


Passing invalid (and under some circumstances NULL) pointers into this function causes an unexpected termination of the application.

The OleCreate function creates an embedded object and is typically called to implement the Insert New Object menu item.

When OleCreate returns, the object it creates is blank (contains no data), unless renderopt is OLERENDER_DRAW or OLERENDER_FORMAT, and is loaded. Containers typically then call the OleRun function or IOleObject::DoVerb to show the object for initial editing.

The rclsid parameter specifies the CLSID of the requested object. CLSIDs of registered objects are stored in the system registry. When an application user selects Insert Object, a selection box allows the user to select the type of object from those in the registry.

When OleCreate is used to implement the Insert Object menu item, the CLSID associated with the selected item is assigned to the rclsid parameter of OleCreate.

The riid parameter specifies the interface the client uses to communicate with the new object. Upon successful return, the ppvObject parameter holds a pointer to the requested interface.

The created object's cache contains information that allows a presentation of a contained object when the container is opened. Information about what should be cached is passed in the renderopt and pFormatetc values.

When OleCreate returns, the created object's cache is not necessarily filled. Instead, the cache is filled when the object first enters the running state.

The caller can add cache control with a call to IOleCache::Cache after the return of OleCreate and before the object is run.

If renderopt is OLERENDER_DRAW or OLERENDER_FORMAT, OleCreate requires that the object support the IOleCache interface. There is no such requirement for any other value of renderopt.

If pClientSite is non-NULL, OleCreate calls IOleObject::SetClientSite through the pClientSite pointer. IOleClientSite is the primary interface by which an object requests services from its container.

If pClientSite is NULL, you must make a specific call to IOleObject::SetClientSite before attempting operations.

To determine whether the platform supports this function, see Determining Supported COM APIs.


Header ole2.h
Library ole32.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.0 and later

See Also


OLE Functions
Automation Functions


Determining Supported COM APIs