Read/Write Example (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following code example shows how to append one file to the end of another file. In the example, the CreateFile function opens two text files: One.txt for reading and Two.txt for writing. Then, the ReadFile and the WriteFile functions append the contents of One.txt to the end of Two.txt by reading and writing 4-KB blocks.

void AppendExample (void)
   HANDLE hFile, hAppend;
   DWORD dwBytesRead, dwBytesWritten, dwPos;
   char buff[4096];
   TCHAR szMsg[1000];
   // Open the existing file.
   hFile = CreateFile (TEXT("\\ONE.TXT"),      // Open One.txt
                      GENERIC_READ,           // Open for reading
                      0,                      // Do not share
                      NULL,                   // No security
                      OPEN_EXISTING,          // Existing file only
                      FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,  // Normal file
                      NULL);                  // No template file
      // Your error-handling code goes here.
      wsprintf (szMsg, TEXT("Could not open ONE.TXT"));
   // Open the existing file, or, if the file does not exist,
   // create a new file.
   hAppend = CreateFile (TEXT("\\TWO.TXT"),      // Open Two.txt.
                        GENERIC_WRITE,          // Open for writing
                        0,                      // Do not share
                        NULL,                   // No security
                        OPEN_ALWAYS,            // Open or create
                        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,  // Normal file
                        NULL);                  // No template file
   if (hAppend == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      wsprintf (szMsg, TEXT("Could not open TWO.TXT"));
      CloseHandle (hFile);            // Close the first file.
   // Append the first file to the end of the second file.
   dwPos = SetFilePointer (hAppend, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
      if (ReadFile (hFile, buff, 4096, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
         WriteFile (hAppend, buff, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
   while (dwBytesRead == 4096);
   // Close both files.
   CloseHandle (hFile);
   CloseHandle (hAppend);

See Also


File System Operations

Other Resources

Reading from and Writing to a File