Partial Recognition Process (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Through a process that is known as partial recognition, the recognition engine uses some or all of the user-entered stroke data to determine the resulting Unicode match. Windows Embedded CE uses partial recognition for glyphs in character sets that require complex, multistroke stylus input, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. You can set up the HwxSetPartial function to accomplish partial recognition of glyphs in the same way you set it up for character recognition. Glyph recognition, however, requires that your application call the recognition engine multiple times each time a glyph is processed. Each time that a stroke is processed through the UI, you instruct the recognition engine to process by using the current amount of data.

Although it is not an absolute requirement, multithreaded operation is the most efficient means for performing partial recognition. While one thread gathers character input, another thread can process data. When the two threads communicate with each other, the thread that performs character input can control the thread that performs the character recognition. This gives your application the capability to produce partial results while the user continues writing. The HwxSetAbort function enables the gathering thread to tell the processing thread to stop, which saves processing time by not using an invalid result. In this basic process, HwxSetAbort passes to the recognition engine an HRC and a pointer to an address that contains the number of strokes that currently are input by the user. If the contents of the address do not match the number of strokes that the recognition engine is trying to process, the recognition engine stops.

See Also

Other Resources

Recognizing a Hand-drawn Character
Handwriting Recognizer Engine (HWX) Application Development