Korean Handwriting Sample IM Registry Settings (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{2D33CF70-1C4C-454a-841C-1B51298731E0} registry key is set when using the Korean Handwriting Sample input method (IM). This registry key is set to "KOR HWX sample UI" to specify the input method.

The following table shows the named values for this registry key.

Value : type Description

InprocServer32 : REG_SZ

Default set to "\\windows\\mboxkor.dll". Specifies the name of the DLL for the Korean Handwriting Sample IM.

IsSIPInputMethod : REG_DWORD

Default set to 1 to enable SIP. Specifies whether software-based input panel (SIP) is used.

DefaultIcon : REG_SZ

Default set to "\\windows\\mboxkor.dll,0". Specifies the source file for the default IM icon.

See Also


Korean IME97 Registry Settings
Korean IME97 Hot Key Registry Settings

Other Resources

Korean Registry Settings
Korean Input Methods