Recognition Process (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The HwxALCValid and HwxALCPriority functions enable the recognition engine to identify a correct character match more rapidly and with a greater accuracy by establishing a prerequisite set of recognition parameters. Use HwxALCValid if you know what the user-entered values for a specified input field will be. For example, if your input field contains only numbers, such as a year, you can use HwxALCValid with its alc parameter set to ALC_NUMERIC. In this way, the recognition engine compares only numeric values to the user input.

If the user-entered values for a specified field will not be limited to any one predictable set of alphabet codes, you can use HwxALCPriority. For the type of input that you expect, you can use HwxALCPriority to provide the recognition engine with a prioritized list of alphabet codes to use for comparison to user ink input.

When it is implemented in your application, multithreaded processing improves the ability of the recognition engine to communicate with the input thread, and thus speeds up the recognition process. This improvement occurs because the recognition of a single character can take several seconds when using an order-independent process. In multithreaded processing, the thread that gathers ink input can control the thread that is used for recognition. Optimally, this enables the recognition engine to produce partial results for display while the user writes on the writing pad.

See Also

Other Resources

Recognizing a Hand-drawn Character
Handwriting Recognizer Engine (HWX) Application Development