Real-Time Communication Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Real-Time Communication (RTC) Test verifies the functionality of the Real-Time Communication Library. The test cases verify the scenarios for peer-to-peer basic audio calls that include two-party audio call, sending DTMF, hold/unhold, and mute/unmute.

The RTC Test requires two devices with full duplex audio device and network connection. One works as the host device, the other as the subordinate device. The host device runs in the same way as the other Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Test Kit (CETK) tests. It loads the test library and XML test cases, and then coordinates with the subordinate device to run the test. The subordinate device must run rtcslave.exe before the host device starts the test. It then receives commands from the host device and performs the tests.

A Windows XP machine with media player or any other audio player that can provide continuous analog audio signal is needed for the test. The audio output of the Windows XP machine is connected to the microphone input of the Host device and the subordinate device as shown in the following figure. During the test, the Windows XP machine plays some audio clips repeatedly, and the audio intensity level is checked for the output of the speakers on both the host device and the subordinate device to verify that the RTC library works properly in different connection status (for example, hold/unhold or mute/unmute). To pass the test, the silence period in the audio clips must be less than 40% overall, and a single silence period must be less than 5 seconds.

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VoIP Tests