EapHostPeerClearConnection (Compact 2013)


Clears the authentication session connection. After EapHostPeerClearConnection is called, all states associated with pConnectionId are deleted, and no reauthentication associated with this GUID will be initiated. In addition, all future callbacks to the NotificationHandler callback function (which was passed by the calling supplicant in a previous call to EapHostPeerBeginSession) are stopped.


DWORD APIENTRY EapHostPeerClearConnection(
  __in   GUID* pConnectionId,
  __out  EAP_ERROR** ppEapError


  • pConnectionId
    A pointer to a GUID value that uniquely identifies a logical network interface for a connection to terminate between the supplicant and the EAPHost. This connection ID must have been provided in a previous call to EapHostPeerBeginSession.
  • ppEapError
    A pointer to the address of an EAP_ERROR structure. The address should be set to NULL before the code calls this function. If error data is available, a pointer to the address of an EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised during the execution of this function call is received. After using the error data, free this memory by calling EapHostPeerFreeEapError.

See Also


EAPHost Supplicant Run-time Functions