NdisMNetPnPEvent (Compact 2013)


NDIS miniport drivers call the NdisMNetPnPEvent function to originate or propagate a network Plug and Play event, an NDIS PnP event, or Power Management event to overlying drivers.


    NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle,


  • MiniportAdapterHandle
    [in] An NDIS handle which NDIS provided at the MiniportAdapterHandle parameter of the MiniportInitializeEx function. This handle identifies the miniport adapter that is affected by the event. If the caller is an intermediate driver, this is the handle of the virtual miniport.
  • NetPnPEvent
    [in] A pointer to a NET_PNP_EVENT_NOTIFICATION structure, that describes the network Plug and Play event, NDIS PnP event, or Power Management event.

Return Value

NdisMNetPnPEvent can return the following:

    The overlying drivers successfully processed the Plug and Play or Power Management event.
    The overlying drivers could not obtain the necessary system resources to satisfy the indicated Plug and Play or Power Management event.
    NDIS failed the call because some input parameters are invalid.
    NDIS 6.0 protocol drivers must not return this status. A pre-NDIS 6.0 protocol driver that does not support Plug and Play can return this status in response to a NetEventSetPower to indicate that NDIS should unbind it from the underlying adapter.
    NDIS failed the request because an invalid NDIS port was specified in a NetEventPortActivation or NetEventPortDeactivation PnP event.
    NDIS failed the request because an NDIS port was in an invalid port state. The ports are specified in a NetEventPortActivation or NetEventPortDeactivation PnP event.
    The overlying drivers' attempts to process the propagated Plug and Play or Power Management event failed.

The return value is significant only when the propagated event is a NetEventQueryPower or NetEventQueryRemoveDevice event. For all other propagated events, the return value is always NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

If the event is NetEventPortActivation and the call fails, the caller should not use the associated ports in receive indications or status indications.


Any miniport driver can call NdisMNetPnPEvent to generate NetEventPortActivation and NetEventPortDeactivation events. Only intermediate drivers can make other event notifications.

To propagate notification of a network Plug and Play event, an NDIS PnP event, or Power Management event to overlying drivers, an NDIS intermediate driver calls NdisMNetPnPEvent in the context of the driver's ProtocolNetPnPEvent function.

If the propagated event is a NetEventQueryPower or a NetEventQueryRemoveDevice, the intermediate driver must check the NDIS_STATUS value that is returned by NdisMNetPnPEvent. If the returned status is NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS, the intermediate driver should handle the event and then return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS from its ProtocolNetPnPEvent function. If the returned status is not NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS, the intermediate driver should return the reported status from its ProtocolNetPnPEvent function without additional processing.

How the intermediate driver processes a NetEventSetPower received by its ProtocolNetPnPEvent function depends on the specified device power state. If the specified device power state is NdisDeviceStateD0, the intermediate driver should handle the event and then call NdisMNetPnPEvent. For any other specified device power state, the intermediate driver should first call NdisMNetPnPEvent and then handle the event.

An intermediate driver should call NdisMNetPnPEvent to propagate a NetEventReconfigure or NetEventBindList only if the NetEventReconfigure or NetEventBindList is indicated on a non-NULL ProtocolBindingContext. If a NetEventReconfigure or NetEventBindList is indicated on a NULL ProtocolBindingContext, the intermediate driver should not call NdisMNetPnPEvent to propagate the event.

If an intermediate driver handles a NetEventReconfigure or a NetEventBindList, it should validate any data associated with the event.

An intermediate driver should not propagate the NetEventBindsComplete, NetEventPause, NetEventRestart, NetEventPortActivation, or NetEventPortDeactivation events by calling NdisMNetPnPEvent.

An NDIS 6.0 intermediate driver can generate its own NDIS port events for virtual miniports as appropriate for the NetEventPortActivation or NetEventPortDeactivation events that it receives at its ProtocolNetPnPEvent function.

For all other propagated events, the intermediate driver's ProtocolNetPnPEvent function should propagate the status value that is returned by NdisMNetPnPEvent.




See Also


NDIS Functions for Miniport Drivers