Project Menu Options (Compact 2013)


The options on the Project menu enable you to view and modify settings for the active top-level project, which is your OS design in Windows Embedded Compact 2013. You can also add and modify subprojects in the active OS design.


Menu options specific to Windows Embedded Compact 2013 are visible only when the active project is an OS design.

For more information, see the Visual Studio documentation.

The following options are available.

UI Element List



Add New Subproject

Use the Windows Embedded Compact Subproject Wizard to create a new subproject, which is by default added to the active OS design.

Add Existing Subproject

Add an existing subproject (.pbpxml) file to your OS design.

Set Subproject Build Order

Choose the order in which Platform Builder builds the subprojects in your OS design if more than one is currently loaded.

Show Built Image

Display the built image.

Add New SDK

Use the SDK Tool to generate an SDK.

Add Existing SDK

Import an existing SDK into the active OS design.


Remove the currently selected item from the solution.

Note   This does not delete the item.

Show All Files

Display all OS design files in Solution Explorer.

Unload Project

Remove the currently selected Visual Studio project from the solution, making it temporarily unavailable.

Note   This does not delete the project.

Set as StartUp Project

Set the currently selected OS design as the target for debugging.

<OS design> Properties

View and modify the configuration settings for your OS design.

See Also


Platform Builder User Interface

Other Resources

Platform Builder Menus