ISoapTypeMapperFactory (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface, implemented by the SoapTypeMapperFactory object, can be used to create custom type mappers for arrays and simple data types and for registered custom type mappers. Use the factory along with the low-level API (ISoapSerializer, ISoapReader, and HttpConnector) to create mappers for serializing and deserializing standard XML Schema Definition (XSD) data types. The ISoapTypeMapper::init method takes a reference to a factory to allow custom mappers to create mappers for the data they must serialize and deserialize.

The following table shows the methods supported by the ISoapTypeMapperFactory interface.

Method Description
addElement This method identifies the custom type mapper to be used for the specified element.
addSchema This method identifies the XML Schema Definition (XSD) file to use to find type definitions.
addType This method identifies the custom type mapper to be used for the specified type.
getElementMapper This method creates and returns a type mapper for the specified XSD element node.
getElementMapperbyName This method creates and returns the type mapper for the specified element name.
getMapper This method creates and returns a built-in type mapper for the specified type.
getTypeMapper This method creates and returns a mapper for the specified XML Schema Definition (XSD) simpleType or complexType node.
getTypeMapperbyName This method creates and returns the type mapper for the specified XML Schema Definition (XSD) type (either simpleType or complexType).


For an example, see Handling Complex Types. In this application, the client and server send SOAP messages containing the Addr complex type. Also, the custom type mapper, AddrMapper, uses the ISoapTypeMapperFactory object that the Init method passes to create the built-in mapper for the XSD string data type.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mssoap.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also

SOAP Objects and Interfaces

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