Property (HttpConnector) (Windows CE 5.0)

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This property sets or gets the value of a property specific to an HttpConnector implementation.

[propget] HRESULT Property(BSTRpPropertyName,VARIANT* pPropertyValue );[propput] HRESULT Property( BSTRpPropertyName,VARIANTpPropertyValue );


  • pPropertyName
    [in] Name of the property whose value you want to set or retrieve.

    The following table provides a list of properties. Note that the property names are case sensitive.

    Property Description
    AuthPassword The password used for end point authentication.
    AuthUser The user name used for end point authentication.
    EndPointURL The end point URL.
    ProxyPassword The password used for proxy authentication.
    ProxyPort The port of the proxy server to use.
    ProxyServer The IP address or host name of the proxy server.
    ProxyUser The user name used for proxy authentication.
    SoapAction The value used in the "SoapAction" HTTP header. This property can be set only from the low-level API. It is ignored if the property is set using the ConnectorProperty property of the ISoapClient interface (high-level API).
    SSLClientCertificateName A string identifying the client certificate to use for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, if any. The syntax is as follows.


    with the defaults being CURRENT_USER\MY<the same store that Microsoft Internet Explorer uses>.

    Timeout The timeout for HttpConnector. This timeout is in milliseconds.
    UseProxy A Boolean property that specifies whether a to use a proxy server. By default, this property is set to False indicating that a proxy server should not be used. Set this property to True if you want to use a proxy server.

    If you set this property to True and do not specify the ProxyServer property, then the HttpConnector uses the proxy server set in the default settings of Microsoft® Internet Explorer.

    In this release, the HttpConnector ignores the "Bypass Proxy" settings in Internet Explorer.

    UseSSL A Boolean value that specifies the use of SSL.

    If this property is set to True, the HttpConnector object uses SSL connection regardless of whether HTTP or HTTPS is specified in the WSDL.

    If this property is set to False, the HttpConnector object will use SSL connection only if HTTPS is specified in the WSDL.

  • pPropertyValue
    [in, out] Value of the property.

Return Values

The following table describes the common return values.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
E_NOTIMPL The function contains no implementation.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.


For a list of the properties supported by a specific ISoapConnector implementation, see the documentation for that implementation. Currently, the SOAP Toolkit provides only the HttpConnector implementation.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mssoap.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also

A Quick Introduction to WSML | HttpConnector

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